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Setting up and Defining System Roles

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After setting up your new site, you will now need to establish system roles. By default, all users are assigned the employee role and the creator of the site is assigned the Admin role.  

Role Definitions

1. Employees – System role allowing users access to individual timesheet entry.

2. Supervisors – System role allowing users to manage employee timesheet data. This includes approving, rejecting and editing employee timesheet data as well as running reports.

3. Accountants – System role allowing users ability to export approved timesheet data to specified accounting and/our payroll software. Users with the accounting role also have access to run reports as well as associate charge codes, leave types and payroll items to groups and employees.

4. Features – System role allowing management of data to/from company payroll file. The admin role is also responsible for all system setting such as overtime settings, timesheet period and notifications settings.

Assigning Roles

1. Login to Hour Timesheet as an admin

2. Navigate to the Employee menu

3. Identify the users from the list that are Supervisors and/or Accountants (both are optional) and click the

4. Assign Roles link

employee roles

Employee Access

My Timesheet  – menu item features include:

****Clocking in/out

****Charging hours worked

****Submitting completed timesheet

****Creating correction timesheet

****Change system password

****View previous timesheet records

****Entering leave time on timesheet

Supervisor Role Features

Timesheet Review –  menu item features include:

****Approve Timesheet

****Reject Timesheet

****Edit Timesheet

****Create Correction

Reports – menu item features include:

****Run Existing Reports

****Report Creation

For more information on assigning the Supervisor Role or assigning group supervisors see the following:

Assigning Supervisor Role to Groups

Accounting Role Features

Export Timesheet  –  menu item features include:

****Export all timesheet data (approved only)

****Export filtered timesheet data by group (approved only)

****Date selection of timesheet data to be exported

Reports – menu item features include:

****Run Existing Reports

****Report Creation

Accounting  – menu item features include:

Charge Codes – charge codes (Customer, Job & Service Items) imported from accounting systems such as QuickBooks can be associated to an individual employee which result in limiting what the employee can charge to on a timesheet. All associations have an Effective Start Date and Effective End Date. These date define when users are able to charge to associated codes.

Leave Setup – system allows user to create leave types. Once created, leave types are associated to pay types which have been imported from the accounting system. All leave types have an Effective Start Date and Effective End Date. These date define when users are able to charge to associated leave.

Pay Types – Payroll Items imported from accounting systems such as QuickBooks can be associated to an individual employee. This mapping will define what payroll items are exported to payroll. All associations have an Effective Start Date and Effective End Date. These date define when users are able to charge to associated codes.

Admin Role Features

Settings – menu item features include:

Company Profile – page includes company address and point of contact details

Timesheet Settings – page includes timesheet type, overtime settings, timesheet start day as well as a check box for requiring reasons for late timesheet entry.

Connect to QuickBooks – page includes import button. This is the page that the admin will use to sync QuickBooks data. User can identify various data elements to import from QuickBooks. Data elements included in the import are

1) Customer & Jobs

2) Service Items

3) Payroll Items

4) Class and

5) Vendors

Manage Notifications  – page includes ability to turn off/on notifications below

****Notify Employee when Supervisor/Admin approves timesheet with signature or without.

****Notify employee when Supervisor/Admin rejects timesheet.

****Notify Supervisor/Admin when employee submits timesheet for review.

****Notify Supervisor/Admin when employee un-submits timesheet.

****Notify Admin/Supervisor/Accountant/Employee when timesheet correction is created.

Manage Subscriptions/Payment – system allows user to enter and manage credit card information, coupon code, subscription plan for Hour Timesheet

Employee – list of employees imported from QuickBooks sync. Page used to manage employee email addresses, system roles by user and invitations sent to employees to sign up and begin tracking time

****Manage Employees

****Assign Employee Roles

****Send Employee Invites

Group –  used in Hour Timesheet to structure employees. Employees may belong to more than one group. Groups are not required. Each groups can be associated with one or many supervisors and accountants. The following elements use the group structure (when present).

****Timesheet Review

****Timesheet Export


****Business Rules

****Charge Code Associations

From the Group menu, users can perform the following functions:

****Create new groups

****Create new sub-groups

****Edit existing group information

****Assign supervisors to groups

****Assign accountants to groups

****Associate employees to groups

****Make groups inactive

Reports – menu item features include:

****Run Existing Reports

****Report Creation

Accounting  – menu item features include:

Charge Codes – charge codes (Customer, Job & Service Items) imported from accounting systems such as QuickBooks can be associated to an individual employee which result in limiting what the employee can charge to on a timesheet. All associations have an Effective Start Date and Effective End Date. These date define when users are able to charge to associated codes.

Leave Setup – system allows user to create leave types. Once created, leave types are associated to pay types which have been imported from the accounting system. All leave types have an Effective Start Date and Effective End Date. These date define when users are able to charge to associated leave.

Pay Types – Payroll Items imported from accounting systems such as QuickBooks can be associated to an individual employee. This mapping will define what payroll items are exported to payroll. All associations have an Effective Start Date and Effective End Date. These date define when users are able to charge to associated codes.

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