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Timesheet Approval

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Timesheet Review

* Only a timesheet that has been approved by a Supervisor or Admin can be exported to payroll.

* Both Supervisors and Admins have access to approve a timesheet.

* A timesheet can be approved without an employees signature.

* Employees can not change timesheet data after a supervisor or admin has approved the timesheet.

View, Approve or Reject

Click the Approve button to approve a timesheet for the period. This action will add a signature row to the timesheet along with a record in the audit trail. This action will also auto generate an email to the employee if notifications have been turned on in the Settings page.

Click the Unapprove button to remove a supervisor’s signature from a timesheet. This action will add a record in the audit trail as well as auto generate an email to the employee if notifications have been turned on in the Settings page.

Click the Reject button to reject an employee’s timesheet for the period. This action will add a record in the audit trail as well as auto generate an email to the employee if notifications have been turned on in the Settings page.

Timesheet Review

Timesheet Status & Filters

Filters can be set to change the display of the employee list by group and by timesheet status. If no group exists then the page will default to “all”. The following filters are all “states” that an individual timesheet may be in.

Submitted  – Timesheets that have been signed by an employee.

Approved Timesheets that have been signed by the employee and a supervisor and/or admin.

Add Signature – Timesheets have been approved by at least 1 supervisor and if needed, can now be approved by a 2nd supervisor. This features is for organizations that require multiple levels of supervisors to sign off on employee timesheets.

Rejected – A timesheet that has been rejected by a supervisor or admin

Processed  -Timesheets that have been exported to a company’s payroll file will be marked with the Processed status. Once Processed, no changes can be made to the timesheet. If changes are required, a correction timesheet must be created.

Timesheet Review Filters

Correction Timesheets

Once a timesheet is Processed, the only way to change the data on the timesheet is to create a Correction timesheet.  Clicking the Create Correction link on the Review Timesheet page, a 2nd copy of the timesheet is created.  Once a correction exists, the employee and/or supervisor can make the required adjustments.  Notes about Corrections

Correction timesheets still be signed and approved.

Hour Timesheet Correction Timesheet

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