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Step 3. Assign Leave to Employee

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Assign Leave to Employee(s)

To assign Leave Types to an Employee:

1. Login to Hour Timesheet as Admin or Accountant

2. Navigate to Accounting→ Leave sub menu

3. Select Assign Leave tab.

4. Click the calendar icon box to select a Start Effective Date and End Effective Date (optional)

5. Select a Leave Type from Leave Types selection box.

6. Select a Leave Policy from Select Leave Policy selection box.

7. Select from the Available Employees from Available Employees selection box.

8. Click the > to move the selected leave from above to the Selected Leaves list box

9. Click the Assign button to complete.

10. Repeat steps 1-9 above for each leave type.

Assigning Employee Leave Screenshot

Upon completion of steps 1 and 2 above (creating leave types and leave policies), leave may now be assigned to the employees.

Employees will not be able to see leave types using the Add Leave Hours section on the timesheet until leave is assigned.

Employees will not start accruing leave created in step 2 above until leave has been assigned.

View previous leave setup step (configure leave policies)
Continue to next step in leave setup process (adjust employee leave balances)


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