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Step 2 Leave Policies (Optional)

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Setting Up Leave Policies in Hour Timesheet

The Employee Leave Policy features are created to define the rules and limitations for earning each type of leave defined in #1 above.

Accrual leave is dependent on the employee’s hire date for calculation

Earned leave is dependent on the employee hours worked on the timesheet

Create a New Policy

1. Login to Hour Timesheet as Admin or Accountant.

2. Navigate to Accounting→ Leave sub menu.

3. Click the Leave Policy tab

4. Click   Create New Leave Policy.

5. Enter Policy Name. (Sample: Standard FT Sick Leave Policy)

6. Select Pay Type from the Select Leave Type drop down box. (Sample: Sick Leave)

7. Enter Leave Description. (Sample: Standard Sick Leave Policy for Full Time Employees)

8. Click the Save button to complete.

9. Repeat steps 1-8 above for each leave type.

Create Leave Policy by Hour Timesheet screenshot

Configure New Leave Policy Rules

1. Login to Hour Timesheet as Admin or Accountant.

2. Navigate to Accounting→ Leave sub menu.

3. Click the Leave Policy tab

4. Click the +Configure Rule text next to the leave to be configured.

5. Complete the following:

Leave Rule Effective From – 6. Click the radio button for one of the two options below for this setting.

From Hire Date of Employee – Runs the accrual from each employee’s hire date.

After [user defined] Duration from employees hire date – Accrual for each employee will not begin until duration time is complete.

Frequency of Accrual – this field is to define the period of time in which an accrual will run. Examples (weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, monthly, annually)

Accrual Quantity – this field is used to define the rate at which the leave will be earned for each of the frequencies identified above.

Leave Balance Carry Over Frequency – if leave balance carries over from one period to another, the user will be able to define the date on which the carryover occurs.

Max Balance – this feature allows the user to set the maximum number of hours for each type of leave that an employee may carry on the books. Once this value is reached for each employee, the remaining hours will be accounted for as Lost hours.

Max Overdraw – this feature allows the user to define the number of hours that an employee may go “into the negative” for each type of leave.

6. Click Ok

7. Repeat steps 1-6 above for each leave policy. In the example below, 3 rules have been created for a single policy.

Leave Rules example

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