
Mobile Leave Requests

Hour Timesheet Mobile Leave Request Feature

This action will generate an automated email from Hour Timesheet to alert the manager or company admin of your requested leave. Once your manager has approved (or rejected) the leave request, you will receive a email from Hour Timesheet with the action taken (rejected or approved). This employee leave request can be edited at any time in the workflow process.

Employees can:

-Create/submit new leave request

-View current leave balances

-Add comments to leave request

Screenshot Of Hour Timesheet App - Requesting Leave

Leave Notifications

If Notifications are turned on in your Hour Timesheet account (by the admin), users with the supervisor or admin role will receive a notification of the requested leave. Upon approval by a manager, the end user will also receive a notification of the action taken for the requested leave.   (Approved or Rejected)

Hour Timesheet Notifications

Step 4. Leave Balance Adjustments

Manual Leave Balance Adjustments for Employees

Employee leave balances may be manually adjusted. Leave may be viewed by users with the Supervisor, Accounting or Admin role.  Leave may be adjusted by users with the Accounting or Admin role.

1. Login to Hour Timesheet as Admin or Accountant

2. Navigate to Employee→ Detail sub menu

3. Select Manage Leaves tab

4. Select the employee from the Available Employees list

5. Click the  icon to edit the balances

6. Adjust the required data

7. Click Ok

Managing Employee Leaves

View previous leave setup step (assign leave to employees)

Step 2 Leave Policies (Optional)

Leave Policy in Hour Timesheet

The Employee Leave Policy features are created to define the rules and limitations for earning each type of leave defined in #1 above.

Accrual leave is dependent on the employee’s hire date for calculation

Earned leave is dependent on the employee hours worked on the timesheet

Create a New Policy

1. Login to Hour Timesheet as Admin or Accountant.

2. Navigate to Accounting→ Leave sub menu.

3. Click the Leave Policy tab

4. Click   Create New Leave Policy.

5. Enter Policy Name. (Sample: Standard FT Sick Leave Policy)

6. Select Pay Type from the Select Leave Type drop down box. (Sample: Sick Leave)

7. Enter Leave Description. (Sample: Standard Sick Leave Policy for Full Time Employees)

8. Click the Save button to complete.

9. Repeat steps 1-8 above for each leave type.

Create Leave Policy by Hour Timesheet screenshot

Configure New Leave Policy Rules

1. Login to Hour Timesheet as Admin or Accountant.

2. Navigate to Accounting→ Leave sub menu.

3. Click the Leave Policy tab

4. Click the +Configure Rule text next to the leave to be configured.

5. Complete the following:

Leave Rule Effective From – 6. Click the radio button for one of the two options below for this setting.

From Hire Date of Employee – Runs the accrual from each employee’s hire date.

After [user defined] Duration from employees hire date – Accrual for each employee will not begin until duration time is complete.

Frequency of Accrual – this field is to define the period of time in which an accrual will run. Examples (weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, monthly, annually)

Accrual Quantity – this field is used to define the rate at which the leave will be earned for each of the frequencies identified above.

Leave Balance Carry Over Frequency – if leave balance carries over from one period to another, the user will be able to define the date on which the carryover occurs.

Max Balance – this feature allows the user to set the maximum number of hours for each type of leave that an employee may carry on the books. Once this value is reached for each employee, the remaining hours will be accounted for as Lost hours.

Max Overdraw – this feature allows the user to define the number of hours that an employee may go “into the negative” for each type of leave.

6. Click Ok

7. Repeat steps 1-6 above for each leave policy. In the example below, 3 rules have been created for a single policy.

Leave Rules example

<- View Previous leave setup step (create leave)

-> Continue to next step (assign leave to employee)

Manage Leave Request

Manage Leave Request

Approve/Reject Employee Leave Request
1. Login to Hour Timesheet
2. Navigate to Accounting/Leave menu
3. Click the Leave Request tab
4. Update the Date Selection field to the appropriate dates (can be multiple months, but default is current month)
5. Click Approve to notify that employee leave request has been “approved”
6. Click Reject to notify that employee leave request has been “rejected”

Manage Leave Request

Request Leave

Employee Leave Request

This action will generate an automated email from Hour Timesheet to alert the manager or company admin of your requested leave. Once your manager has approved (or rejected) the leave request, you will receive a email from Hour Timesheet with the action taken (rejected or approved). This employee leave request can be edited at any time in the workflow process.

Employee Leave Request

1. Navigate to Request Leave menu

2. Click Create New Leave Request

3. Complete the form

4. Click OK

5. If Notifications are turned on, users with the supervisor or admin role will receive a notification of the requested leave. Upon approval by a manager, the end user will also receive a notification of the action taken for the requested leave.   (Approved or Rejected)


Employee leave request do not auto populate on employee timesheet.

Setting up leave in Hour Timesheet

Who is this article for

HTS users who want to use Hour Timesheet to manage employee leave balances

HTS users who want to track leave time on the timesheet

HTS users who want to use the HTS Leave Request feature

Create Leave Types

Leave Types created in Hour Timesheet are associated with leave payroll items previously created in your accounting software. To create a leave type in Hour Timesheet:

1. Login to Hour Timesheet as Admin or Accountant

2. Navigate to Accounting→ Leave sub menu

3. Click Create New Leave

4. Enter Leave Name

5. Select Pay Type from drop down box (this should be the list of leave pay types imported from QuickBooks)

6. Enter Leave Description

7. Enter Start Effective Date of new leave type

8. Click the Save button to complete.

9. Repeat steps 1-9 above for each leave type.

Create leave screenshot

Creating Leave Polices

1. Login to Hour Timesheet as Admin or Accountant.

2. Navigate to Accounting→ Leave sub menu.

3. Click the Leave Policy tab

4. Click Create New Leave Policy.

5. Enter Policy Name. (Sample: Standard FT Sick Leave Policy)

6. Select Pay Type from the Select Leave Type drop down box. (Sample: Sick Leave)

7. Enter Leave (Sample: Standard Sick Leave Policy for Full Time Employees)

8. Click the Save button to complete.

9. Repeat steps 1-8 above for each leave type.

Create Leave Policy by Hour Timesheet screenshot

Configuring Leave Policy Rules

1. Click the Leave Policy tab

2. Click the +Configure Rule text next to the leave to be configured.

3. Complete the following:

4. Leave Rule Effective From – Click the radio button for one of the two options below for this setting.

From Hire Date of Employee – Runs the accrual from each employee’s hire date.

After [user defined] Duration from employees hire date – Accrual for each employee will not begin until duration time is complete.

5. Frequency of Accrual – this field is to define the period of time in which an accrual will run. Examples (weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, monthly, annually)

6. Accrual Quantity – this field is used to define the rate at which the leave will be earned for each of the frequencies identified above.

7. Leave Balance Carry Over Frequency – if leave balance carries over from one period to another, the user will be able to define the date on which the carryover occurs.

8. Max Balance – this feature allows the user to set the maximum number of hours for each type of leave that an employee may carry on the books. Once this value is reached for each employee, the remaining hours will be accounted for as Lost hours.

9. Max Overdraw – this feature allows the user to define the number of hours that an employee may go “into the negative” for each type of leave.

10. Click Ok

11. Repeat steps above for each leave policy.

Leave Rules example

General notes about Leave Policy enforcement

Timesheet behavior is dependent on setup of leave policy.

Balance is reduced after timesheet is submitted at the end of each timesheet period.

User receives error message upon entering time that exceeds current balance.

User may be allowed to “go into the negative” if feature is configured.

System will stop accruing leave once limit “ceiling” is reached. Additional leave earned or accrued after leave ceiling is reached is moved to the “lost” column.

System will reset balance to “carry-over” value each year

Assign Leave Type to Employee(s)

Users with the supervisor, admin or accounting roles may view individual leave balances for each employee.

Employees will not be able to see leave types using the Add Leave Hours section on the timesheet until leave is assigned.

Employees will not start accruing leave until leave has been assigned. 

Creating Leave associations by employee is required so that the timesheet can select “Add Leave Hours” from the employee timesheet.

To assign Leave Types to an Employee:

1. Login to Hour Timesheet as Admin or Accountant

2. Navigate to Accounting→ Leave sub menu

3. Select Assign Leave

4. Click the calendar icon box to select a Start Effective Date and End Effective Date (optional)

5. Select a Leave Type from Available Leaves selection box.

6. Select a Leave Policy from Select Leave Policy selection box.

7. Select from the Available Employees from Available Employees selection box.

8. Click theto move the Employee(s) to the Selected Employees list box.

9. Click the Assign button to complete.

10. Repeat steps 1-9 above for each leave type.

Assigning Employee Leave Screenshot

Add/Adjust Employee Leave Balances

1. Login to Hour Timesheet as Admin or Accountant

2. Navigate to Employee/Detail menu

3. Select Manage Leaves tab

4. Select the employee from the Available Employees list

5. Click the icon to edit the balances

6. Adjust the required data

7. Click Ok

Managing Employee Leaves

Using Web Clock to Clock In and Out


Using web clock to clock in and out

1. Clock in and out on any web enabled computer. 

2. Navigate to the Hour Timesheet login page

3. Enter username

4. Enter password

5. Click the “Clock In” button to capture the current “In” time on the timesheet

6. Select the appropriate charge code. Your punch will now show as an “in” punch on the timesheet upon logging in to HTS.

7. Upon completion of the task, navigate back to the HTS login page, enter your credentials and select the Clock “Out” button. At the time of the clock “out” HTS will input the difference between the “in” and the “out” on the job selected on the “in” punch.

Select Job Code Upon Clock In

Clocking In/Out on Mobile App

View knowledge-base link for Mobile Time Clock

Employee Role – Viewing Leave Balance

Viewing Employee Leave Balance Data

1. Login to Hour Timesheet

2. Navigate to My Timesheet menu

3. Click the Leave Balance tab (see screenshot)

Employee Leave Management Software

Additional leave balance notes

Balance is reduced after timesheet is submitted at the end of each timesheet period.

User may be allowed to “go into the negative” if feature is configured.

System will stop accruing leave once limit “ceiling” is reached. Additional leave earned or accrued after leave ceiling is reached is moved to the “lost” column.

Request Leave

1. Navigate to Request Leave menu

2. Click Create New Leave Request

3. Complete the form

4. Click OK

Employee Leave Request

Manage Charge Codes (QuickBooks)

Manage Data from QuickBooks

All data in HTS originates in your company QuickBooks file. HTS does not allow the following to be entered from your HTS account.


Service Items


Step 1. Sync (Import) New Data From QuickBooks

HTS uses an online sync function to import data from your company QuickBooks Online account to your HTS account.  To add any of the 3 items above into your HTS account, follow the steps below.

1. Open your QuickBooks Online company file

2. Enter the new data (customer/job, service item or class)

3. Login to your HTS account as an Admin

4. Navigate to the Settings/Connect to QuickBooks page

5. Click the Import button

QuickBooks Online Data Selections

Step 2. Mapping Codes In Hour Timesheet

Upon a successful connection, your new data is now in HTS. To see the new codes in HTS, navigate to the Accounting/Codes page

1. Click Create New to map the new code

2. Select the required items from the Customer/Job(s) list needed for association to employee(s) REQUIRED

3. Select the required items from the Service Items list needed for association to employee(s) OPTIONAL

4. Select the required items from the Classes list needed for association to employee(s) OPTIONAL

5. Select the required items from the Payroll Item list needed for association to employee(s) [QuickBooks Desktop ONLY]

6. Click the Add button

Create New Associations

Step 3. Assign Employee Charge Codes

Creating charge code associations for each employee will limit what the user is able to charge to when entering hours on a timesheet. Employees can have multiple charge code associations and charge codes can be assigned to multiple employees. To create charge code associations, follow the steps below:

1. Navigate to the Accounting/Codes menu

2. Place a check in the Available Authorized Charge Code(s) – created in previous setup process.

3. Select from the Available Employees list the appropriate employees to be associated to the Available Authorized Charge Code(s) from above.

4. Click the > to move the selected employees from #8 above to the selected employee list box

5. Click the calendar icon box to select a Start Effective Date and End Effective Date (optional)

6. Click the Assign button to complete.

NOTE: If no charge code associations are created, employees will have access to all codes.

Billable vs Non Billable

Tracking Billable Time in Hour Timesheet | Setup Instructions

Business Rules and Billable Time

Navigate to Settings/Timesheet tab

(check box) Restrict Employees from charging work hour in advance – When this box is checked, users will not be allowed to enter time entries for billable items on the timesheet.

NOTE: This box should be checked for DCAA compliance.

Setting Charge Codes as Billable or Non-Billable

Billable Charge Codes

Creating Employee Charge Code Associations Creating charge code associations by employee will limit what each user is able to charge to when entering hours on a timesheet. Employees can have multiple charge code associations and charge codes can be assigned to multiple employees.

  1. Navigate to the Accounting/Codes menu
  2. Click the Create New button
  3. Select the Customer/Job to expand the list of Select Charge Codes. Select from the list the Customer/Job(s) needed for association to employee(s) REQUIRED
  4. Select the Service Item to expand the list of Select Service Items. Select from the list the Service Items needed for association to employee(s) OPTIONAL
  5. Select the Class list to expand the list of Classes. Select from the list the Classes needed for association to employee(s) OPTIONAL
  6. Select the Pay Type to expand the list of Select Pay Type(s). Select from the list the Pay Types needed for association to employee(s) OPTIONAL
  7. Choose the Billable or Non-Billable radio button
  8. Click the Add button

Setting Employee Specific Charge Codes as Billable vs Non-Billable

This page displays the charge code associations for each employee (which limit what each user can charge to when entering hours on a timesheet). Employees can have multiple charge code associations and charge codes can be assigned to multiple employees.

  1. Navigate to the Employee/Detail menu
  2. Select the Employee from the Available Employees list box
  3. Click the edit icon for the charge code to be updated
  4. Select the Billable or Non-Billable radio button
  5. Click Ok

employee billable