
Payroll Integration: Streamlining Time and Attendance Tracking

Integrating time and attendance tracking with payroll is a critical strategy for businesses with complex payroll structures, especially for government contractors who need to comply with DCAA requirements. Seamless integration not only ensures accuracy and efficiency in payroll processing but also aids in regulatory compliance, financial reporting, and audit readiness. By leveraging advanced features like real-time data synchronization and user-friendly interfaces, businesses can significantly reduce administrative workloads, minimize errors, and optimize resource allocation, ultimately enhancing overall productivity and decision-making.

Importance of Integrating Time and Attendance Tracking with Payroll

Businesses with complex payroll structures often grapple with a myriad of challenges, including navigating legal complexities, managing employee payroll across multiple jurisdictions, and staying compliant with evolving tax and labor laws (source). These issues are compounded by the risks of inaccurate payments, misclassifying employees, and maintaining comprehensive records.

Seamlessly integrating payroll with time and attendance tracking systems can significantly enhance both accuracy and efficiency. This integration eliminates redundancies and reduces the likelihood of errors that arise from manual time tracking, ensuring employees are neither underpaid nor overpaid (source). Furthermore, connected systems provide deeper insights into workforce productivity and resource allocation, while reducing the need for manual input and minimizing the chance of errors. Accurate timekeeping is crucial for various functions including payroll, invoicing, and account management, and helps businesses avoid issues with regulatory bodies like the IRS or FLSA (source).

For government contractors, compliance with the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) regulations is paramount. The DCAA mandates that businesses separate employee work hours from other business activities and maintain detailed, verifiable procedures for timekeeping (source). Compliance requirements include daily time tracking, maintaining an audit trail for all changes, extensive reporting, and specific supervisor approvals. Adhering to these regulations not only secures government contracts but also streamlines processes, enhances efficiency, ensures timely payments, and increases the likelihood of winning future contracts.

In conclusion, integrating time and attendance tracking with payroll is essential for businesses with complex payroll structures, particularly government contractors. This integration improves accuracy, efficiency, and compliance, benefiting both the business and its employees.

Key Elements of Effective Integration

Effective integration of time and attendance tracking with payroll systems hinges on several key features that streamline the management of employee time and ensure accuracy and compliance. These essential elements include:

  • Time Tracking: At its core, any time and attendance software must offer robust time tracking capabilities. This feature allows employees to clock in and out, ensuring accurate recording of hours worked. This is critical for calculating pay and verifying that employees are compensated correctly for their time.
  • Leave Time Management: Managing employee leave is another crucial aspect of effective time and attendance tracking. This feature helps employers track and record leaves, absences, and vacations, ensuring that all leave time is accurately deducted from total work hours.
  • Job Costing: For businesses involved in multiple projects, job costing is essential. This feature enables the tracking of costs associated with each job or project, providing insights into resource allocation and helping businesses budget more effectively.
  • Mobile Time Tracking: With the rise of remote work, the ability to track time from anywhere is indispensable. Mobile time tracking allows employees to log their work hours from their mobile devices, offering flexibility and convenience. This feature also eliminates the need for expensive hardware and software, providing cost savings and reducing business risks.

Another critical element is the real-time data synchronization between timekeeping and payroll systems. This synchronization ensures that any changes, such as new hires or salary adjustments, are immediately reflected in the payroll system, maintaining data accuracy and integrity. Real-time updates also reduce the need for manual data entry, improving organizational efficiency and consistency across platforms.

user-friendly interface is another pivotal factor in the successful adoption and usage of time and attendance software. An intuitive and clean interface allows employees to navigate the software easily without extensive training. This ease of use enhances the likelihood of widespread adoption within the organization, ensuring that time tracking is accurate and hassle-free.. User-friendly software also boosts work efficiency by reducing the time spent on learning and navigating the system, allowing employees to focus on their core tasks.

In conclusion, effective integration of time and attendance tracking with payroll systems involves a combination of essential features like time tracking, leave management, job costing, mobile capabilities, real-time data synchronization, and user-friendly interfaces. These elements not only ensure accurate and efficient payroll processing but also enhance overall organizational productivity.

Strategic Benefits of Integration

Integrating time and attendance tracking with payroll systems offers numerous strategic benefits that can significantly enhance a business’s operational efficiency and financial management. This integration is particularly advantageous for government contractors who must comply with stringent DCAA requirements.

Enhancing Financial Reporting and Audit Readiness

One of the primary benefits of integrating time tracking and payroll is the improvement in financial reporting and audit readiness. Automated data exchanges and synchronization facilitated by the integration ensure data accuracy and compliance with legal standards . An integrated system digitally collects time-labor data in real time and automatically transfers it to the payroll system, enhancing accuracy and reducing potential errors, which are critical for financial reporting and audit readiness.

Compliance with DCAA Requirements

Hour Timesheet’s software is designed to be DCAA compliant, which is essential for government contractors. The automated system ensures all information is consistent, reducing the likelihood of errors and ensuring adherence to DCAA requirements. The integration of time tracking and payroll facilitates a seamless flow of information, promoting collaboration and enhancing compliance.

Simplifying the Audit Process

The integration simplifies the audit process by maintaining accurate and updated records that can be easily reviewed and analyzed. It archives employee work time details and policies to help stay in compliance with various wage and labor laws.

Reducing Administrative Workload and Errors

By eliminating the need for manual data entry and reducing paperwork, integrating time tracking and payroll reduces the administrative workload and significantly decreases payroll errors. This ensures employees receive correct payments on time, enhancing overall operational efficiency.

Streamlined Payroll Processing

The integration streamlines payroll processing by automating the calculation and processing of payroll. It ensures that all records are automatically updated in employee profiles, allowing quick access to individual payroll details.

Accurate Calculation of Billable and Non-Billable Hours

Businesses can accurately calculate billable and non-billable hours through the integration of time tracking and payroll, ensuring employees receive correct payments and helping businesses accurately track labor costs.

Improving Decision-Making with Detailed Analytics and Reporting

The integration provides robust analytics that enable managers to review employee time and attendance data, look for opportunities to streamline processes, and eliminate bottlenecks that decrease productivity. Data analytics in global payroll management offers deeper insights into employee compensation, productivity, and financial management, transforming payroll into a critical component of strategic business planning.

Insight into Labor Costs and Productivity

Integration allows for better management of labor costs and productivity by providing insights into workforce expenses and streamlining operations. It enables businesses to identify trends, assess risks, seize opportunities, and make informed decisions.

Better Resource Allocation and Project Management

By offering a detailed analysis of labor costs and productivity, the integration of time tracking and payroll enables better resource allocation and project management. Managers can make more informed decisions with all the available information at hand.

In summary, the strategic benefits of integrating time and attendance tracking with payroll are manifold. From enhancing financial reporting and audit readiness to reducing administrative workload and improving decision-making, this integration is crucial for businesses aiming to optimize operations and maintain compliance, particularly for government contractors.

How Hour Timesheet Facilitates Seamless Integration

Hour Timesheet stands out as a premier solution for integrating time and attendance tracking with payroll, especially for government contractors who must adhere to DCAA compliance requirements. By leveraging Hour Timesheet, businesses can streamline their operations, enhance accuracy, and ensure regulatory compliance, all while reducing administrative workload and minimizing errors.

Comprehensive Timekeeping Solutions

Hour Timesheet offers a robust set of features that cater to the diverse needs of businesses with complex payroll structures. These include detailed time tracking, leave management, job costing, and mobile time tracking. The software’s user-friendly interface ensures smooth adoption and minimizes the need for extensive training, making it easier for employees to accurately log their hours.

Real-Time Data Synchronization

One of the standout features of Hour Timesheet is its real-time data synchronization capabilities. This ensures that any changes in employee data, such as new hires or salary adjustments, are immediately reflected in the payroll system. This not only maintains data accuracy but also significantly reduces the need for manual data entry, thereby enhancing organizational efficiency.

DCAA Compliance

For government contractors, DCAA compliance is non-negotiable. Hour Timesheet is designed to meet these stringent requirements, ensuring that businesses can maintain detailed, verifiable timekeeping records. This compliance is crucial for passing audits, securing government contracts, and maintaining a competitive edge in the marketplace.

Reducing Administrative Workload

Hour Timesheet’s automated system eliminates the need for manual data entry, which reduces administrative workload and minimizes the risk of errors. This leads to more accurate payroll processing, ensuring that employees are paid correctly and on time. The software also archives employee work time details, which simplifies the audit process and helps businesses stay compliant with various labor laws.

Enhanced Decision-Making

The detailed analytics and reporting features offered by Hour Timesheet provide invaluable insights into labor costs and productivity. This enables managers to make informed decisions regarding resource allocation and project management. By offering a comprehensive view of workforce expenses, Hour Timesheet transforms payroll into a critical component of strategic business planning.

Cost-Effective and Transparent Pricing

Hour Timesheet’s transparent pricing model of $8 per user per month, along with a 30-day free trial, ensures that businesses can easily integrate this powerful tool without hidden fees or long-term contracts. This cost-effective solution provides exceptional value, particularly for government contractors who need to adhere to rigorous compliance standards.

In conclusion, Hour Timesheet offers a seamless and strategic approach to integrating time and attendance tracking with payroll. By addressing the specific needs of businesses with complex payroll structures and ensuring DCAA compliance, Hour Timesheet helps its customers achieve greater accuracy, efficiency, and compliance, ultimately enhancing their overall productivity and decision-making capabilities. Learn more about Hour Timesheet and how it can benefit your business.

Hour Timesheets’ Seamless Integration with ADP Run and ADP Total Source

ADP is a well-known and trusted payroll solution, utilized by countless clients on a daily basis. While ADP excels in handling payroll tasks, it’s important to note that they do not position themselves as experts in DCAA compliance.

Organizations seeking DCAA compliance should consider exploring alternative timekeeping software providers that align more effectively with the DCAA’s requirements and guidelines. Whether your organization is currently utilizing ADP or contemplating a future transition, it would be beneficial for you to explore Hour Timesheet. It is a DCAA-compliant software solution designed for efficient time and attendance management while meeting all the FAR requirements for time tracking.

Effortless Export of Payroll Data: With Hour Timesheets’ integration with ADP Run, ADP Total Source and ADP Workforce Now, accountants can effortlessly export timekeeping data to these platforms. This integration eliminates the need for manual data entry and reduces the chances of errors during the transfer process. You can now bid farewell to time-consuming spreadsheets and enjoy a streamlined payroll process.

DCAA Compliance: Hour Timesheets understands the unique requirements of clients who need to adhere to the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) regulations. By using Hour Timesheets’ DCAA compliant timekeeping software, combined with the ADP timekeeping solution, accountants can ensure accurate and detailed records that comply with government contract requirements.

Improved Accuracy: Timekeeping errors can have far-reaching consequences, impacting both employees and employers. By integrating Hour Timesheets with ADP Run, ADP Total Source and ADP Workforce Now, accountants can reduce the risk of inaccuracies. The seamless data transfer ensures that employee hours, overtime, and other relevant details are accurately reflected in the payroll system.

Enhanced Efficiency: The integration of Hour Timesheets with ADP Run, ADP Total Source and ADP Workforce Now leads to improved efficiency in managing payroll. Accountants can save valuable time by eliminating the need to manually input data into multiple systems. This automation allows for a more streamlined process, enabling you to focus on higher-level tasks that require your expertise.

Simplified Payroll Management: By leveraging Hour Timesheets’ ADP timekeeping integration with ADP Run, ADP Total Source and ADP Workforce Now, accountants can simplify their payroll management. The software eliminates the need for duplicate data entry, reducing the chances of errors and improving overall accuracy. This integration also ensures that all necessary information is seamlessly transferred, making the payroll process smooth and hassle-free.

Project Management: Hour Timesheet allows users to easily record time entries using project codes. This feature offers valuable insights for government contractors who need to track resources based on job codes for different types of contracts when working with the federal government.

Employees and 1099 contractors: Hour Timesheet allows both employees and 1099 contractors to track their time, ensuring full resource accountability for the entire team. This comprehensive solution provides valuable insights, not only for your W-2 employees but also for contractors and the company as a whole.

Integration with QuickBooks: Hour Timesheet offers seamless integration with QuickBooks, catering to clients who rely on QuickBooks for their accounting needs. Whether you use QuickBooks Online or QuickBooks Desktop, our platform allows you to effortlessly export timesheet data for invoicing and reporting purposes. Additionally, you can easily export payroll data to ADP for streamlined payroll management.

In conclusion, Hour Timesheets is a trusted software solution for clients in need of a DCAA compliant timekeeping software solution, particularly those who outsource their payroll. Its integration with ADP Run, ADP Total Source and ADP Workforce Now simplifies and streamlines the payroll process, offering improved efficiency, accuracy, and compliance. Embrace the power of automation and eliminate manual tasks to focus on more strategic accounting endeavors.

Your first step towards DCAA compliant, hassle-free timekeeping starts here.

Sign up for a free trial today and witness the transformation in your timekeeping process.

*Disclaimer: ADP Run and ADP Total Source are registered trademarks of ADP. Hour Timesheets is not affiliated with or endorsed by ADP.

Is QuickBooks a DCAA Approved Accounting System? 

Is QuickBooks a DCAA Approved

When you are in the business of federal government contracts, DCAA compliance is non-negotiable. DCAA stands for the Defense Contract Audit Agency. QuickBooks provides an accounting package that is well suited for small to mid-sized businesses, but often, the question arises; Is QuickBooks a DCAA Approved Accounting System?. QuickBooks offers two options and several different versions depending on your unique business requirements. QuickBooks offers both a desktop solution and an online tool, and either can be set up to be DCAA/Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Compliant, especially with our DCAA compliance checklist. The keys are Job Costing and Labor Distribution. 

DCAA Contracts

Potential government contractors who wish to bid on certain types of contracts should know that although the contracts vary, there is a difference between direct costs and indirect costs.

  • A direct cost is a cost that can be tied directly to the production of goods or services. A direct cost may be variable. An example of a direct cost is labor cost or manufacturing supplies.
  • Indirect cost allocations include overhead expenses such as rent and insurances and general expenses like accounting department costs. Indirect costs are harder to pin down and harder to allocate to a specific project or item. Using a timesheet tracking application in conjunction with an accounting package like Quickbooks, you can better control the indirect cost allocations, particularly for general and administrative expenses, to the correct cost objective.
  • One type of DCAA contract is called a cost reimbursable contract, where the direct cost and a percentage of the indirect costs are paid. This type of contract requires the accounting system approval under FAR subpart 16.3.

What is QuickBooks? And Is QuickBooks a DCAA Approved Accounting System?

QuickBooks is an accounting software solution that allows for integration across multiple platforms to make payroll quick and easy. They have two main products that make their service worthwhile.

QuickBooks Desktop

This interface of web-based time tracking software and payroll makes QuickBooks Desktop an ideal tool for DCAA Compliance. We base this on our experience with hundreds of clients over several decades. Furthermore, the QuickBooks Desktop integrated payroll module permits the charging of time directly to the General Ledger. This includes Customer, Job, and Service Items, which are immensely beneficial.

QuickBooks Online

QuickBooks Online is a cloud-based solution that is not, at the outset, designed to meet the FAR and DCAA requirements and has some limitations. The good news is that there are ways to make the QuickBooks Online system meet all the government’s requirements without too much effort.

What is DCAA Compliant Accounting Software?

DCAA-compliant accounting software is software that meets DCAA requirements. Your chosen accounting package – in this case, QuickBooks is set up to meet the requirements. Timekeeping and the allocation of costs are of particular importance. Consequently, QuickBooks Time Tracking software integration is an essential aspect of DCAA compliance.

Refer to DCAA compliance explained for more information.

Any accounting package set up to meet compliance requirements will be subject to strict internal controls to ensure financial integrity. One of these internal controls should be an internal accounting system audit regularly. There should also be regular checks on a monthly basis to see that all the income and expenditures balance.

The Benefits of Being DCAA Compliant for Small Businesses

If you are DCAA compliant, you may be one step closer to securing funding from the federal government programs SBIR and STTR. These programs gear towards supporting innovation and technology in small businesses. Integrating Hour Timesheet’s DCAA-compliant timesheet with QuickBooks will be invaluable in pursuing this kind of opportunity.

Is QuickBooks DCAA Compliant?

Yes, QuickBooks can be set up to be DCAA compliant, but it doesn’t automatically meet DCAA standards and requires additional configuration to be compliant. Certain elements of the software do meet the standards, including the ability to properly segregate direct costs from indirect costs. This can be accomplished by using the software’s reporting features to separate costs by project as well as items versus expenses. When searching for DCAA-compliant accounting software, QuickBooks also operates under general ledger control, which is required under the standards. Another example of how the platform conforms with DCAA standards is its support of separating preproduction costs in a number of ways.

On the other hand, as a DCAA-compliant accounting system, QuickBooks as it is distributed falls short in a number of ways. For instance, it does not automatically calculate indirect rates per your company’s rate structure. It also fails to offer time tracking capabilities required to identify employees’ work according to intermediate or final cost objectives. Satisfying these and other requirements calls for expert configuration of the platform as well as integration with time tracking software that provides additional functionality. These are areas in which Hour Timesheet’s solutions can be of exceptional benefit to your enterprise. We provide you with the expertise necessary to make the most of your QuickBooks setup and ensure you are making QuickBooks DCAA compliant.

There are three areas to consider:

  • Chart of Accounts establishment
  • Flow of transactions
  • Cost and Computations

It’s important to note that one should always bear Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) in mind when analyzing your accounting system.

Even if you understand all the regulations, it is still best to refer to the DCAA compliance checklist. Where possible, seek professional assistance! Be ready to implement policies and procedures that need to be applied consistently across your business.

Keys to Compliance

  • Employee time tracking posted daily with required explanations for edits and record locking.
  • Printable timesheet reports.
  • Policies & Procedures oriented toward FAR Compliance Criteria found in DCAA’s SF-1408 pre-award audit checklist.
  • Consistently applied labor dollar distribution accommodating uncompensated OT for salary exempt personnel.
  • Indirect Cost Pools and the ability to compute and forecast Indirect Rates applied to Direct Costs under Cost Reimbursable Awards.
  • Progress billing + Cumulative dollar values reported against award ceilings tied to cost proposals.
  • Identification and segregation of Unallowable Costs as defined per FAR 31.205.

This isn’t a comprehensive list, but it gives a good idea of what to expect. One of the best ways to help navigate QuickBooks DCAA compliance with timekeeping and accounting systems is to partner with a company that has a demonstrated knowledge of government contracts. It can also be helpful to review multiple services and look for important features in DCAA compliant time tracking systems.

What Happens if You Fail a DCAA Audit?

You may lose your contract or face a suspension of payment. Be assiduously aware of remaining compliant. Floor checks are routine, and timekeeping records are an essential part of your compliance. A floor check is the DCAA’s way of verifying your employees.

One way to help ensure you pass your DCAA audit is to get any requested information to your auditors quickly. This can speed up your audit, and help ensure the DCAA auditor has all the information they need. In order to do this, it’s best practice to keep excellent records and track every process and transaction. Hour Timesheet allows businesses to keep these kinds of records, in a convenient, cloud-based place.

Is QuickBooks a DCAA Approved Accounting System? Let Hour Timesheet help!

Hour Timesheet isn’t just a timekeeping software provider for government contracts looking to pass a DCAA audit. We also partner with dozens of CPA firms and consultants who can assist you with the entire life cycle of getting a DCAA-approved accounting system. Call Us Today! We can introduce you to our extensive list of experienced partners and answer the million dollar question…Is QuickBooks a DCAA Approved Accounting System?

QuickBooks Time Tracking Integration

If you and your employees are sick of manually tracking timesheets, job costing, payroll, leave tracking, mobile time tracking and location tracking while staying DCAA-compliant and FAR-compliant, Hour Timesheet is here for you with time tracking for QuickBooks.

Hour Timesheet has created the ideal timekeeping software compatible with QuickBooks. You can integrate all your data with QuickBooks Online or QuickBooks Desktop with just a click, which removes the hassle of manual entry on either side.

Schedule A Demo

QuickBooks Time Tracking Integration

Hour Timesheet is all about saving you time, so you can spend that precious resource in more productive ways than tracking what you’re doing with it. As a timesheet software that integrates with QuickBooks, everything is simplified, automated, and easy for you and your employees to use without a lot of extra training.

Even better, our support team can help every step of the way. Because it is DCAA-Compliant and FAR-compliant, our software can help you maintain regulatory compliance so you can focus more on providing excellent customer service. You won’t have to track these things manually with our software:

Clocking in and out

Location tracking

Job costing

Time off requests

Billable and non-billable hours

Remote work time

Travel time

3rd-party approvals

Payroll integration

Time used on various projects

Hour Timesheet’s QuickBooks time tracking integration is easy for all your employees to use, whether they are full-time, part-time or contract workers. This way, you can keep up with a demanding project schedule in multiple locations without worrying about time lost.

Timesheet Software Compatible With QuickBooks

As work changes and becomes a mix of mobile, remote and in-office work, companies need a flexible, accurate and simple way to track, account for, and analyze time and attendance and payroll data. That’s why we created time tracking software that integrates with QuickBooks.

Hour Timesheet gives you the power to do that and more, with expert customer support that makes integrating with QuickBooks a snap. Our customer support team is well versed in the needs of government contractors bidding on projects that require DCAA compliance, which makes us unique in the world of time and attendance software.

Our software empowers companies big and small with accuracy, fewer headaches, and broader insight into their time and payroll data. Plus, the smooth integration with QuickBooks gives you more ways to analyze your data, reduce waste and more effectively get the job done.

In addition to integrating with QuickBooks, our software also integrates with other applications, including Paychex, ADP, and Gusto. Start tracking time the easy way, with no hidden fees, no contract and excellent customer support.


How to Get Ready for a DCAA Audit

How to Prepare for a DCAA Audit

Both the Department of Defense (DoD) and NASA are very significant parts of the overall United States government. As this part of the government handles some very important tasks, they are required to outsource a lot of work each year to independent companies that will enter into contracts. As part of any contract, you will be required to allow for audits to be completed by the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA). There is a lot that should be understood about what is involved and how to prepare for a DCAA Audit

What Triggers a DCAA Audit?

The DCAA contract audits can take place from time to time for any business. There are various factors that can trigger an audit to take place. Many of the times, you will go through a routine audit process that is completed based on a random draw. You may also be selected for an audit if you have not gone through one in several years or are in a new contract. The DCAA may also select your organization for these audits if there are any inconsistencies or red flags in the materials that have been presented.

What Do They Look for in a DCAA Audit?

There are various forms of audits that the DCAA can test, which can vary based on the types of services and cost structure of your business. Some of the most common forms of DCAA audits include forward pricing, incurred cost, and compensation and benefits audits. These cost-reimbursement contracts for compensation and materials continue to be among the most common.

During these audits, the DCAA will look to validate the information you have submitted as part of a reimbursement. This can include making sure that you have proper invoices and payroll records set forth. Generally, the DCAA will ensure that you have the proper equipment and software in place to comply with these types of contracts before the contract even begins. Hour Timesheet offers a variety of services that can help ensure you are properly documenting this information and are prepared for the upcoming audit.

How to Prepare for a DCAA Audit

Going through a DCAA audit can be a stressful experience. However, these types of audits do not need to be stressful for government contractors.Eventually, they can even feel quite routine and the use of products and services offered by Hour Timesheet can be helpful as well. There are various tips that can help you properly prepare for these audits.

Keep Current Books and Records

One of the best ways that you can prepare for these audits is to ensure that you are always ready for them to walk in. This part of the process should include making sure that your books and records are updated in real-time, that you spend the time necessary to double-check reports before sending them out, and that you have a process in place to gather information and reports when needed for an audit. Luckily, Hour Timesheet’s time tracking software integrates directly with QuickBooks, Gusto and ADP systems, which makes payroll and accounting processes much easier.

Audit Yourself

When you want to make sure that you are prepared for one of these audits, another great tip to follow is to audit yourself and your company from time to time. Anyone that has gone through a DCAA audit will know what they are looking for. Establishing a regular internal audit process to copy this process will benefit your organization in several ways. A proper internal audit of your records will ensure your books and records are in good order, that your team members are prepared, and that you will receive good results when the time comes. To make it even easier, use a DCAA compliance checklist, and keep track of areas where you excel, and where you can improve.

Ultimately, all government contractors should be prepared for an audit at all times. While this can seem like a stressful experience to go through, those that are prepared will have received much better overall results. Reach out to Hour Timesheet today to learn more about how we can help you prepare for a DCAA Audit

Guide to Incurred Cost Submissions

A Guide to Incurred Cost Submissions

Obtaining a contract with the Department of Defense (DoD) can be a great win for any business. When you do have a contract with the DoD, you can typically expect that it will be long-lasting and provide you with a good revenue stream. As part of signing any DoD contract, you will need to fully understand your requirements for seeking reimbursement for costs. Part of this can include knowing how to follow the proper protocol for incurred cost submissions.

Why Do You Need to Submit Incurred Costs?

The DoD frequently has contracts with companies that will provide a reimbursement for costs incurred by the company. This can include wages, benefit allocations, material and inventory costs, and other expenses related to providing the product or service. Due to the size of the DoD, they frequently partner with the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) for routine and targeted audits. These audits will seek to ensure that the incurred costs were filed properly and accurately. This is why companies who work on government contracts must ensure that all processes remain DCAA compliant, in the case that an audit is performed.

What Are Examples Of Incurred Costs?

When you are going to submit an incurred cost report, it is important to know what costs are frequently included. In general, incurred costs should be any costs that were necessary for you to provide the DoD with the agreed products or services. These can include direct costs such as labor, benefits, and materials. It can also include indirect costs such as allocation of overhead spending, security, and administration. The programs offered by Hour Timesheet can help you better understand what your incurred costs are, by making it easier for employees and contractors to track the proper time. Plus, Hour Timesheet integrates directly with QuickBooks , Gusto and ADP, to make payroll and accounting processes more efficient.

Who Is Required To Submit An Incurred Cost Submission?

An incurred cost submission is generally required for any vendor that performs services for the DoD. There are carve-outs for this requirement that could change your requirement based on the type of contract that you have in place. Most of the time, you will need to have these reports sent in by June 30 following the end of the prior fiscal year.

What Needs To Be Included In The Submission?

The purpose of the submission is to ensure that you are reimbursed for any costs that you incurred for providing the service to the DoD. You should always include all direct costs and provide any information that you have to support your expenses. This typically will largely include receipts from inventory suppliers as well as payroll registers. The products and services offered by Hour Timesheet can help make it easier to keep records and stay DCAA compliant while ensuring the right information is included in your cost submission.

There are also going to be indirect costs that can be harder to allocate. For these, it is important to list all of your indirect costs and also complete any supporting schedules that are needed to validate the costs you incurred as well as the fair amount to have reimbursed for the DoD.

What Happens If I Am Audited By The DCAA?

The DCAA frequently audits vendors. These can be random, targeted, or completed on vendors that have not gone through the process in a while. A large part of the process for a DCAA audit will aim to verify that the internal cost submissions were fair and accurate. To ensure that you are prepared, you should always keep your records and supporting schedules handy so you are able to answer any questions that can arise. Completing your own internal audits can also help with overall preparation. If you’re not sure your company meets DCAA compliance requirements, Hour Timesheet offers resources to help.

Ultimately, having a contract with the Department of Defense can be a great deal for any business. While there are a lot of opportunities to grow with the DoD, the contracts can be complicated and often require that you send in an incurred cost submission at least once per year. This will be a large factor in determining the revenue you receive as part of the contract. When you need help with your incurred cost submissions or any other support with your DoD contract, contact Hour Timesheet to learn how we can help your company with DCAA compliance.

Online Employee Time clock

Guide to Online Employee Time Clocks

Having a remote workforce is the new “normal” in today's environment which creates new challenges in workforce management. Enter Hour Timesheet Mobile, it provides a secure, reliable, and accurate way to allow employees and contractors an easy way to clock in and out as well as document time away from "their desk".

Who Needs Hour Timesheet Mobile Time Clock?

Any organization with mobile and remote employees who no longer have access to a physical time clock.

Organizations who have workers that travel as part of their job.

Organizations looking to track job cost at the web clock interface.

Simplify Punching In and Out and Streamline Your Payroll Work-Flow Processes

Our online employee time clock includes various features allowing management to streamline the employee’s timecard data.

1.     Clock-in/Clock-out

2.     Add Project Hours

3.     Add Leave Hours

4.     Add Timesheet Notes

5.     Access to Leave Balance Data

HTS can help your organization with the 5 C’s.

COMPLIANCE. The online employee time clock makes tracking breaks and overtime easy. That helps you stay compliant with state, federal, and municipal regulations.

COMMUNICATION Keep abreast of what is going on even when you are not there in person. The online employee time clock will provide alerts when employees fail to show up for shifts or when they're approaching overtime.

COST. Track job cost and have access to real-time reports to help you evaluate your overhead cost associated with absence time and overtime.

CALCULATIONS Our online employee time clock does the busy work of calculating time cards for you. The includes regular and overtime hours worked, paid time off hours, and more. Our app will save you valuable time by computing your timecards automatically. Your timesheets will start to reflect your payroll expenses.

CONNECTIONS Hour Timesheets offers various reporting formats for payroll, including Excel and CSV export, PDF, or more simply a paper copy. Our time clock system can easily integrate with various well-known payroll providers, including QuickBooks , Gusto and ADP.

Online Employee Time Clock

If you're tired of having to wade through the mountains of timecards and reports regularly, then now's the time to join the 21st century with Hour Timesheet's Online Employee Time Clock.  Our easy-to-use application offers a multitude of features and is highly customizable. Your employees do not require training to use the application, and there is no hardware required either. It really could not get any easier.

Time Is Money And Every Minute Counts

Contact Hour Timesheet today to learn more about our app.

Time Keeping Software for Lawyers

When selecting timekeeping software for your law firm, it can be tough to know which specific features you need to keep your business running smoothly. In the past, timekeeping software for lawyers was tracked on paper timesheets. This was followed by an arduous back-and-forth exchange between a client and law firm. After weeks and multiple revisions, the billable time would be manually entered into the firm's billing system. It wasn't a very efficient process, but it was the only one available.

Even today, lawyers are repeatedly told to track time accurately; all billable activities should be recorded as soon as they occur. This wasn't a realistic option given that many billable activities occur outside of the office until mobile time tracking. Then everything changed!

At Hour Timesheet, our solution is simple. We offer timekeeping software for lawyers that is quick and easy to use while helping increase your efficiency. Your billable hours are more accurate and your payroll integration is smoother thanks to us, Hour Timesheet.

Mobile Access

Whether you're driving to your client's office or walking down the block to join them for a meeting, having mobile access to your office software makes things less stressful. Hour Timesheet offers timekeeping software for lawyers through our timesheet app. These mobile time-tracking tools make it possible to track your time and enter them simultaneously. Thereby ensuring that you capture—and charge for—all of your billable time. Hour Timesheet's mobile app is a real-time project management app that includes employee scheduling, a time clock app, and easy-to-use timesheet software. The app will allow you to:

Track billable hours

Track employee time at work and home (remote)

Track time against overhead and G&A

Track employee locations

Highly Accurate

Hour Timesheet has a strong industry-wide reputation for providing its legal clients with an accurate paperless audit log for all time and timesheet edits. This will include everything from a detailed activity log, including username, IP address, time, date stamp, hours worked, and paid time off entries. Privacy settings will also give you the ability to limit employees only to see charge codes they are authorized to use.

By adhering to strict tracking guidelines, you'll maintain a good relationship with agencies you want to work with in the future. There will be no delayed payments to your company, and you're more likely to get future contracts. You're also more likely to have transparent operations within the company overall.

It's crucial to keep and maintain transparent, straightforward timesheets for each employee, timesheets that document their working hours.

Seamless Integrations

Hour Timesheet timekeeping software enjoys plenty of payroll integrations with QuickBooks, Gusto, ADP, Paychex, and Insperity. With just a few clicks, it can keep track of your billable and non-billable hours. The era of charging errors, lost timesheets, the shock of overtime, and manual entry mistakes are gone. Thanks to payroll integrations, these types of errors are a thing of the past. Simple payroll integration is critical to the smooth operation of your legal business. Hour Timesheet will let you export your information directly to your chosen payroll software with a simple click.

Timekeeping Software for Lawyers with Hour Timesheet

The once tedious task of keeping track of your time using pen and paper is a thing of the past. Now lawyers can use timekeeping software from their computers and download an app to their mobile phone. They can seamlessly integrate payroll software such as QuickBooks or Paychex to track billable and non-billable hours. Additionally, Hour Timesheet is DCAA compliant, providing its legal clients with the necessary audit log. Hour Timesheet is the timekeeping software designed with lawyers in mind. Contact us to learn more.

ADP Timesheet Integration

DCAA Compliant Timesheet Integration with QuickBooks and ADP

Three Solutions Working Together - If you use ADP Run, ADP Total Source or ADP Workforce Now as your payroll provider and do your invoicing in QuickBooks, you’re in luck. The Hour Timesheet integration with QuickBooks and ADP is simple and fully DCAA Compliant. This time tracking software gives you everything you need to track time & attendance, create invoices, and do payroll in minutes without having to key in data.

Hour Timesheet includes a feature-rich time and attendance solution and mobile functionality that is geared for small businesses. Our SaaS solutions give your organization affordable, easy-to-use web-based solutions. Plus, our timekeeping software is fully DCAA compliant. Our professional services are designed to help your time tracking and accounting stay organized and prepared in the event of a DCAA audit.

Main Features & Benefits of Hour Timesheet Payroll Integration

Mobile App (iOS and Android) -Hour Timesheet offers mobile time tracking in the Hour Timesheet Mobile App. As a result, Hour Timesheet integration with QuickBooks and ADP is easier than ever.

Managing Employee Leave - Manage leave balances, track leave or time off requests, and more directly in Hour Timesheet's software. All data is stored and tracked, and easily transferable between platforms.

Manage Overtime Hours- Aside from tracking regular hours and job performance, the time tracking software complies with all DOL overtime regulations.

Job Costing - Track and manage job costs, labor costs, and other information directly on the platform. You can view employee profiles, job codes, and other payroll processes.

Quick Access to Time Cards - Hour Timesheet is a SaaS solution, so employee timesheets are stored safely. To-the-second, real-time data is ready and available on the cloud whenever you need it. Hour Timesheet makes extra efforts to ensure all employee time entries are accurate, on time, and employee attendance can improve.

Daily Time Entry Reminders - Hour Timesheet uses daily reminders and notifications to ensure all employees are tracking time as they're doing it, rather than after the fact.

Location Tracking - Available on the Hour Timesheet mobile app, managers can keep track of employee location when working at home or off-site.

Quick Payroll Processing - With Hour Timesheet and ADP Platform integration, you eliminate the double-entry of data and ensure that your staff is paid accurately and on time.

Time To Eliminate Data Entry For Good - The QuickBooks "one-click" sync imports employee data and customer/job data into Hour Timesheet for quick employee profile setup. No more manual data entry for every new job or contract.

Decades of Experience At Your Fingertips

The 25 years of experience you get by choosing Hour Timesheet means that you’ll have experienced, knowledgeable customer service at your fingertips. We’re always ready and eager to help you troubleshoot your way through any problem or figure out new ways we can help your business succeed! Even if you're not a government contractor looking to achieve DCAA compliance and prepare for DCAA audits, Hour Timesheet can help your business save time. If you're unsure, request a demo today to see what Hour Timesheet can do for your business.

Detailed Audit Trail

Daily Timesheet Reminders

Correction Timesheet Workflow

Required Reason for late or edited entries

Supervisor Approvals

Looking for Hour Timesheet integration with QuickBooks or ADP?

Contact us today to see how simple your Hour Timesheet integration with QuickBooks and ADP can be.


Want Help With Your Account?

If you’d like help getting the ADP or QuickBooks Time Tracking integration setup, we’ve got you covered. We’ll be right there with you via phone, email, or screen-sharing session to make sure you are successful. Call us anytime at 832.942.9556.

Learn More

Hour Timesheet Time and Attendance Software

Introducing Hour Timesheet: The perfect employee time card app for your business. Experience streamlined time tracking software that empowers your workforce while ensuring seamless business operations.


And Features

Payroll integration

Payroll integration

Gusto, Paychex, ADP and QuickBooks

Job Costing

Job Costing

Capture Bill Rates and Pay Rates

DCAA Compliance

DCAA Compliance

Meets all DCAA timekeeping requirements

Leave Management

Leave Management

Manage PTO, Sick, Vacation and other custom leave categories for employees

Time and Attendance Software

What was once a traditionally a constant juggle of managing overtime, employee attendance, and, most importantly, the project cost is now straightforward thanks to Hour Timesheet time card app. Our system has a 1-click interface with Paychex, ADP, Insperity, QuickBooks, Deltek, and many other software programs, bringing them all seamlessly together.

Hour Timesheet is DCAA Compliant, which means it includes a detailed audit trail, manager approvals, daily timesheet reminders, and many more options. We even offer an 8-day timesheet option.


Hour Timesheet offers Gusto's simple payroll processing right from our software.  No more manually inputting data from your timekeeping software to your Payroll provider.

Leave Management

If leave management is appropriately done, employee time-off requests are handled fairly and accurately so that they get the benefits they're entitled to and that businesses can continue to operate smoothly.

Hour Timesheet’s employee time card app does just that. It provides all staff complete access to their leave history (accruals, carry-overs, etc.) and requests at a glance. The era of having to go through the human resources department to find out how much holiday time they’ve accrued is over. Our time card app is easy to use.  It is a fully automated service designed to track and manage employees' paid time-off, vacation, sick days, or other types of personal leave.

Mobile Access

Hour Timesheet’s mobile time card app gives you information on your employees in real-time.  It can improve accuracy, reduce error, increase your business’s efficiency and bottom line. Our mobile time card app offers unprecedented efficiency.

Start your FREE TRAIL today!