
Unlocking Efficiency: A Practical Guide to Hour Time Tracking

Are you tired of wrestling with outdated timesheets, struggling to track employee hours accurately, and losing time and money to inefficient processes? In today’s fast-paced business environment, employee time is your most valuable asset. That’s why you need Hour Time Sheet. This time and attendance software tool helps businesses of all sizes to regain control of their employee timesheet data, streamline operations, and ultimately achieve more profit.

Manage Your Time with Time Tracking Software

Hour Time Sheet helps you manage your time. Whether your team works in the office or remotely, Hour Time Tracking provides intuitive tools to make time tracking simple.

Clock In and Out Easily

You won’t have to deal with paper timesheets or complicated spreadsheets. Hour Timekeeping allows employees to clock in and out with a few taps on their computers or mobile devices. This saves time and ensures accuracy, eliminating the risk of manual errors.

See Who’s Working on a Project

Gain a real-time view of who’s currently working and what projects they are assigned to. This level of visibility lets you allocate resources efficiently, identify potential bottlenecks, and make better decisions.

Track Project Time

Ever wondered how much time your team spends on specific projects? Hour Time Tracking makes it easy to track and allocate time to individual projects. This ensures accurate billing, identifies profitable endeavors, and spots areas where resources might be overallocated.

Manage Time Off Requests

Managing time off requests and tracking paid time off (PTO) can be time-consuming. Hour Time Sheet has a centralized platform where employees can submit leave requests and managers can approve or deny them easily. This keeps everyone informed and minimizes disruptions to your workflow.

Control Your Job Costs with Hour Time Sheet

You have to know your job costs to run a profitable business. Hour Time Tracking gives you the tools to stay within budget.

Calculate Labor Costs

Hour Time Tracking calculates labor expenses, including regular hours, overtime, and breaks. This breakdown helps you understand how labor affects your overall project costs so you can make necessary adjustments.

Plan and Forecast Project Budgets

Hour Time Tracking integrates with your job costing data, providing a complete view of project expenses. This integration helps you create realistic budgets, track spending against projections, and forecast future costs. By understanding your project’s financial trajectory, you can allocate resources strategically and stay on track.

Spot Cost Overruns Early

Don’t let unexpected expenses derail your projects. Hour Timekeeping provides reports that highlight areas where costs are exceeding your budget. This allows you to take corrective action quickly, whether reallocating resources, adjusting timelines, or renegotiating with vendors.

Optimize Resource Allocation

Every project is different, and they all need resource allocation. Hour Time Tracking gives you the data you need to optimize your workforce. By analyzing how time is spent on various tasks and projects, you can identify areas for improvement, streamline processes, and ensure that you have the right people working on the right tasks.

Ensure Compliance with Hour Timekeeping

Navigating labor laws and regulations can be tricky, but a time-tracking app helps you stay compliant and avoid legal or financial problems.

Manage Overtime

Overtime rules can be complex and vary depending on your location and industry. Hour Time Tracking simplifies this by automatically calculating overtime hours based on your rules. This ensures accurate payroll and helps you avoid costly overtime violations.

Stay Compliant with DCAA Requirements

Government contractors need to comply with the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA)l. Hour Time Tracking offers features to meet these strict standards, tracking employee hours, project costs, and other important data. With Hour Time Tracking, you can face any DCAA audit.

Track and Report

Transparency and accountability are important in business. Hour Time Tracking keeps detailed records of all time entries, including who made them, when, and any changes. Comprehensive reports give you a clear picture of your workforce’s time usage, ensuring you have the documentation you need to support your decisions and demonstrate compliance.

Reduce Compliance Risks

Not following labor laws can lead to fines, lawsuits, and damage to your reputation. Hour Timekeeping helps you avoid these issues by alerting you to potential problems before they become serious. By ensuring accurate time tracking and following the rules, you protect your business and maintain a good work environment.

Boost Productivity and Manage Your Workforce

Hour Time Tracking helps you boost productivity and improve workforce management. By seeing how your team uses their time, you can make better decisions, motivate employees, and run operations smoothly.

Increase Accountability and Productivity

When employees know their hours are tracked, they become more accountable. This leads to increased focus and productivity. By setting clear expectations and using a transparent system, you encourage your employees to take ownership of their work.

Gain Valuable Insights

Hour Timekeeping doesn’t just record hours. It provides data and analytics that offer insights into workforce performance, project progress, and resource allocation. By analyzing this information, you can identify trends and pinpoint areas for improvement.

Work from Anywhere

Flexibility is important in today’s work environment. Hour Time Tracking’s mobile app lets employees track their time from anywhere, whether they’re in the office, working remotely, or on the go. This improves accuracy and keeps employees happy by accommodating their different work styles.

Process Payroll Easily

Hour Timekeeping integrates with your payroll systems. You don’t have to transfer time data manually. This saves time and resources, ensuring accurate and timely payroll processing.

Maximize Your ROI with Hour Timekeeping

In business, time truly is money. With Timekeeping, you gain control over your time and the insights needed to make smarter decisions, reduce costs, and ensure compliance. Say goodbye to outdated time-tracking methods and try a solution that inspires your team to work smarter, not harder. Discover how Hour Time Tracking can make your business more efficient and successful.

Time Tracking Software Tools: Boost Productivity & Profitability

In the rapidly evolving business landscape, efficient time management serves as the cornerstone of productivity and profitability. As enterprises strive to optimize operations and enhance workforce productivity, the adoption of time tracking software tools have surged. Among all the tools that are available in the market, Hour Time Sheet's time tracking software emerges as an all-in-one solution designed to cater to the dynamic needs of modern businesses. Our innovative software transcends traditional time tracking methodologies, offering an intuitive platform that not only simplifies the process but also infuses accuracy and reliability into time management practices. Through Hour Time Sheet's time tracking software, you can unlock the potential to streamline workflows, elevate efficiency, and foster a culture of accountability in your business.

The Evolution of Time Tracking Tools

The journey from manual timesheets to sophisticated time tracking software encapsulates a significant transformation within the business world. Initially, organizations relied on paper-based logs and basic spreadsheets to record working hours - a method fraught with inaccuracies and inefficiencies. As technology advanced, the inception of digital solutions paved the way for a more streamlined approach, introducing precision and ease to the timekeeping process.

Features of Hour Time Sheet's Time-Tracking Software

Hour Time Sheet time tracking software tool revolutionizes time tracking with its impactful features, designed to provide streamlined invoicing, insightful data for decision-making, and significant cost savings by identifying inefficiencies.

Streamlined Invoicing for Hourly Billing

For businesses that bill by the hour, efficiency in invoicing is paramount. Hour Time Sheet's time tracking software simplifies the billing process, enabling companies to easily convert hours worked into accurate invoices. This feature not only saves time but also ensures that all billable hours are accounted for, enhancing revenue.

Data for Decision-Making

In today's data-driven world, having access to precise information is key to strategic planning. Our time tracking software offers comprehensive data regarding resource allocation, project timelines, and employee performance. Managers can leverage this data to make informed decisions, optimizing both project outcomes and workforce productivity.

Cost Savings by Pinpointing Inefficiencies

One of the standout features of our time tracking software is its ability to identify areas of inefficiency within the business processes. By highlighting tasks or projects that consume excessive time or resources, the software enables businesses to reassess and reallocate as needed, ultimately leading to significant cost savings and a more efficient workflow.

Security and Compliance

In an era where data breaches are a frequent headline and regulatory compliance is non-negotiable, we have built our platform with security and compliance at its core. While being Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) compliant, our time tracking software also employs state-of-the-art encryption and robust data protection practices. This ensures that sensitive employee and project information is securely stored and managed. Additionally, we stay abreast of the latest regulatory requirements, including labor laws and privacy regulations, providing peace of mind to businesses that their operations are not only efficient but also in full compliance with legal standards.

Innovative Time Entry and Leave Management

Our time tracking software streamlines time entry and leave management, making these processes significantly easier for both managers and employees. Through our mobile app, employees and contractors can instantly clock in, immediately updating their status across the platform for real-time visibility. This allows for immediate insight into who is working, their location, and their work duration, enhancing transparency and accountability within the workforce.

The app further simplifies leave management by enabling employees to submit leave requests with a single click, significantly reducing the administrative burden on HR and management. This feature not only provides employees with control over their time-off requests but also centralizes leave tracking for efficiency.

Other Premium Features

Hour Time Sheet's time tracking software also excels in job tracking and costing, ensuring precise project monitoring and budget control. The software seamlessly integrates with payroll systems, streamlining the process from time tracking to payroll. Managing employee leave is simplified with the leave tracking functionality, while the distinction between billable and non-billable hours enhances financial reporting. The diverse clocking options cater to various work environments, and the support for third-party approvals accommodates specific requirements. This robust set of tools empowers businesses to effectively manage time, resources, and finances.

With these incredible set of features, our time tracking software becomes not only a tool for tracking time, but an integral resource for enhancing business operations, improving financial performance, and fostering a culture of efficiency and accountability.

Why Do You Need a Time Tracking Software?

Time tracking software is essential for modern businesses due to its ability to increase productivity by identifying inefficiencies and motivating employees to optimize their work. It streamlines payroll processing, ensuring accurate and timely payments, while providing valuable insights for improved project management. By optimizing billing practices and ensuring compliance, it increases profitability and transparency. Furthermore, it supports flexible and remote work arrangements, making it a crucial tool for adapting to the changing landscape of work.

Partner With Us

Partnering with Hour Time Sheet for your time tracking needs is a strategic decision that prioritizes your business growth. Our flexible, no-contract pricing adapts to your evolving requirements, while complimentary support and training ensure you maximize the software's potential. With a risk-free approach, you can confidently explore the benefits of our intuitive and comprehensive features designed for modern businesses. 

By choosing Hour Time Sheet, you gain more than just software; you gain a dedicated partner committed to improving your operational efficiency and driving your success. View our pricing list or try out our product for free today. 

For more information, contact us at 1.832.779.5658.

QuickBooks Government Timekeeping

Tracking time accurately is vital for government agencies using QuickBooks. With QuickBooks government timekeeping, understanding the integration with Hour Timesheet is crucial. Hour Timesheet enhances QuickBooks by aligning with DCAA compliance standards, though it requires pairing with QuickBooks or another compliant system to meet these standards fully. 

This blog explores key questions about the timekeeping capabilities of QuickBooks. Topics include whether QuickBooks itself offers a timekeeping system, its status as a government-approved accounting system, and its capabilities for government reporting. Learn how to ensure your QuickBooks setup is DCAA compliant through the strategic use of Hour Timesheet.

Capabilities of QuickBooks Accounting Software

QuickBooks is a comprehensive accounting software used widely by small to medium-sized businesses. This platform allows users to manage their finances efficiently by handling tasks such as tracking expenses, creating invoices, and preparing tax filings. QuickBooks operates by simplifying complex accounting actions into user-friendly interfaces. This means even those without deep financial expertise can maintain accurate records and manage business finances effectively.

To enhance functionality, particularly for users requiring stringent compliance standards, QuickBooks can integrate with specialized tools like Hour Timesheet. This integration is essential for entities like government agencies, which often need to adhere to specific regulatory standards such as those mandated by the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA). While QuickBooks provides a solid foundation for financial management, it does not inherently meet all DCAA requirements on its own.

Here, Hour Timesheet comes into play by extending QuickBooks government timekeeping capabilities. By pairing with Hour Timesheet, QuickBooks becomes part of a DCAA-compliant accounting system. Hour Timesheet adds necessary timekeeping accuracy and reporting features that help achieve compliance. However, it’s crucial to note that for full DCAA compliance, QuickBooks should be used alongside Hour Timesheet or another similar compliant system. This ensures that all financial and time-tracking processes meet the stringent standards required by government contracts.

Is QuickBooks a Government-Approved Accounting System?

QuickBooks itself is not automatically a government-approved accounting system. It functions as a versatile tool that supports various accounting tasks—budget management, payroll processing, and financial reporting, among others. However, for government contractors or agencies that need to adhere to specific regulatory standards, such as the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) requirements, QuickBooks must be configured appropriately.

For entities under DCAA oversight, meeting compliance involves more than just using QuickBooks alone. This is where the Hour Timesheet becomes essential. Hour Timesheet integrates seamlessly with QuickBooks to deliver additional functionalities necessary for DCAA compliance. This combination ensures rigorous adherence to timekeeping and reporting standards required by government contracts.

To achieve DCAA compliance, QuickBooks should be used in conjunction with a tool like Hour Timesheet or another system that fulfills the stringent criteria. This setup not only enhances QuickBooks’ capabilities but also ensures that all financial management and time-tracking processes comply with government regulations. 

By integrating Hour Timesheet, organizations can effectively extend QuickBooks into a compliant, robust accounting system that meets DCAA standards, thus facilitating accurate and audit-ready financial reporting. 

Advantages of Hour Timesheet for Timekeeping

Hour Timesheet is a powerful software tool designed to integrate seamlessly with QuickBooks, providing a robust solution for timekeeping. This integration is crucial for entities needing to meet stringent compliance standards like those required by the DCAA.

Simplified Time Tracking

Hour Timesheet offers a comprehensive time-tracking system that manages job costs, tracks overtime, and monitors workforce attendance, whether onsite or remotely. This includes detailed tracking for both employees and 1099 contractors. Its capabilities are especially beneficial in environments where precise time recording is critical for compliance and operational efficiency.

Efficient Leave Management

The software allows employees to view and manage their leave balances directly from their timesheets. This feature not only simplifies leave management but also ensures that accruals, carry-overs, and usage are accurately recorded and easy to access, enhancing transparency and reducing administrative workload.

Accurate Job Costing

With Hour Timesheet, organizations can input detailed bill rates and pay rates for each job code assigned to an employee. This facilitates more accurate job costing, helping businesses analyze financial data efficiently and make informed decisions regarding project budgeting and resource allocation.

Location-Based Tracking

The platform’s location tracking feature enables real-time monitoring of employee clock-in and clock-out times, ensuring that hours worked are accurately captured based on the employee’s location. This is particularly useful for teams that work remotely or in field-based roles, as it provides managers with precise data on employee whereabouts during work hours.

Mobile Accessibility

Designed with mobility in mind, the Hour Timesheet mobile app allows remote team members to track time efficiently from any location. This includes tracking breaks, lunches, and travel times, and ensuring that all work hours are documented accurately, regardless of the work environment.

DCAA Compliance Made Easy

One of the standout features of Hour Timesheet is its focus on compliance. The software ensures that all timekeeping records adhere to DCAA regulations through detailed audit trails, manager approvals, and timely reminders for employees to submit their hours. This comprehensive approach to compliance helps organizations avoid penalties and maintain eligibility for government contracts.

Streamlined Integration and Services

Hour Timesheet integrates with leading payroll and accounting systems like QuickBooks, ADP, Paychex, and Gusto, eliminating the need for manual data entry and simplifying the payroll process. The software’s integration capabilities ensure that data flows seamlessly between systems, reducing errors and saving time.

Why Hour Timesheet?

Hour Timesheet specializes in advanced time-tracking solutions designed primarily for government contractors who require stringent adherence to regulatory standards, such as those imposed by the DCAA. Our platform offers a suite of features aimed at simplifying the complexities of timekeeping and compliance.

With Hour Timesheet, organizations gain access to detailed leave balance data, intricate job costing capabilities, and location tracking; all facilitated through an accessible mobile app. This comprehensive approach not only boosts operational efficiency but also aids in maintaining rigorous compliance with governmental regulations.

How to Use Hour Timesheet

Using Hour Timesheet with QuickBooks government timekeeping is straightforward and designed to streamline the timekeeping process for businesses of all sizes. Here’s how to effectively utilize the software:

Setting Up Your Account

First, set up your Hour Timesheet account by registering your business details. You will need to input basic information such as company name, the number of employees, and your preferred billing cycle. The setup process includes integrating Hour Timesheet with QuickBooks, ensuring that all financial and employee data sync seamlessly between the two platforms.

Creating Employee Profiles

Once your account is active, the next step is to create profiles for each employee. This involves entering personal information, and employment details, and assigning job codes that relate to their roles. For DCAA compliance, it’s crucial to ensure that each employee’s profile is accurate and comprehensive.

Implementing Time Tracking

Employees can log in to Hour Timesheet via a web browser or the mobile app to track their working hours. The platform allows for real-time entry of start and end times for each workday. Employees can also record breaks, lunch periods, and any overtime. For remote or field-based employees, the app can track location data, ensuring that time records are precise and verifiable.

Ensuring DCAA Compliance

To maintain DCAA compliance, Hour Timesheet includes features such as detailed audit trails, manager approvals, and daily reminders for employees to submit their timesheets. These features help ensure that all timekeeping data is accurate, up-to-date, and compliant with stringent regulatory requirements.

Integrating with Payroll

Hour Timesheet integrates with payroll systems like QuickBooks, ADP, and Gusto. This integration streamlines payroll processing by automatically transferring time records into the payroll system, reducing the need for manual data entry and minimizing errors.

Utilizing Mobile Capabilities

The mobile app enhances flexibility by allowing employees to track time from any location. This is particularly useful for teams that work remotely or need to log hours while traveling or at client sites. The app ensures that all time entries are synchronized with the main system and can be accessed by managers in real time.

By following these steps, businesses can effectively use Hour Timesheet with QuickBooks government timekeeping to manage workforce timekeeping efficiently and ensure compliance with DCAA requirements when used alongside QuickBooks or another compliant accounting system. This integration not only optimizes operational efficiency but also supports accurate and compliant financial reporting.

QuickBooks Government Contracting: A Simplified Guide

Government contracts demand precision when it comes to managing accounting and timekeeping. Employees often use QuickBooks government contracting to help with accounting. However, the program needs help to meet strict DCAA compliance requirements. That’s where Hour Timesheet comes in. 

Hour Timesheet tracks time and expenses with the level of detail the DCAA demands. It streamlines workflows and data entry, making it easier to maintain accurate and auditable records. By using Hour Timesheet with a DCAA-compliant accounting system, businesses can demonstrate compliance with government contracting regulations.

The Basics of Government Contract Management

Government contracts demand rigorous financial tracking beyond the capabilities of standard accounting software. Hour Timesheet is a standalone solution made specifically for this purpose. It offers features that address DCAA compliance needs and works seamlessly with existing DCAA-compliant accounting systems.

Benefits of Hour Timesheet

  • DCAA-Compliant Timekeeping: Hour Timesheet tracks time in detail, generating reports required by the DCAA.
  • Simplified Job Costing: Track costs associated with specific contracts and projects for accurate reporting.
  • Accounting Integration: Integrate Hour Timesheet with your existing accounting software (like QuickBooks) for effortless data exchange.
  • Streamlined Payroll: Integrate payroll for easier labor cost calculations, ensuring accurate billing for government contracts.

While government contract management needs a solid accounting foundation, Hour Timesheet provides the specialized timekeeping features government contractors require. When combined with a DCAA-compliant accounting system, Hour Timesheet creates a robust system for achieving and maintaining compliance.

Master DCAA Compliance for Government Contractors

Standard accounting software falls short for government contractors facing DCAA compliance challenges. Hour Timesheet is a standalone solution that integrates with your existing DCAA-compliant accounting system. It streamlines critical processes for accurate reporting and compliance management.

Hour Timesheet Is Built for DCAA Compliance

Hour Timesheet strengthens QuickBooks by integrating features for DCAA timekeeping standards. Employees can track their time against specific government contracts and job codes. 

Additionally, the program streamlines DCAA compliance with customizable approval workflows, clear audit trails, and easy generation of compliance-ready reports. This integration makes timekeeping and DCAA reporting easier for government contractors.

Advanced Job Costing for Government Contracts

Hour Timesheet makes government contract job costing manageable. The platform lets you track time and expenses against each project, job, and task. This detailed information is necessary for budgeting, invoicing, and understanding the profitability of your government contracts.

Seamless Payroll Integration

Hour Timesheet integrates seamlessly with your existing DCAA-compliant accounting software and payroll systems. This direct connection benefits government contractors by automating data transfer, saving time, and enhancing accuracy. Approved times and job cost information flow automatically between systems, eliminating manual data entry and reducing errors. 

Integration frees your team from time-consuming data entry tasks, allowing them to focus on core business activities. As a result, you maintain consistent, accurate financial records and minimize discrepancies across time tracking, payroll, and billing.

Key Features of Hour Timesheet

Government Contract-Focused Time Tracking

Managing time accurately against government contracts is important for billing and DCAA compliance. Hour Timesheet allows employees to log hours against specific contracts, work breakdown structures (WBS), and individual tasks. The software enforces DCAA-approved descriptions for activities, providing accurate documentation. 

Additionally, you can define customizable approval workflows that match your organization and contract needs. This provides oversight of time entries before payroll processing. 

Finally, Hour Timesheet maintains detailed audit trails for all time entries, demonstrating accountability and facilitating DCAA audits.

GPS Location Tracking for Government Projects 

For government projects requiring on-site verification of work, Hour Timesheet’s optional GPS location tracking adds another layer of accountability. Employees can use the mobile app to clock in and out at project locations. This data can then be used to validate work performed and strengthen your DCAA compliance posture.

Leave Management for Government Contracts

Hour Timesheet streamlines leave management in the context of government contracts. The program automatically keeps track of how much leave employees earn and use. This makes it easy to create accurate reports and make sure you’re following the rules of each government contract.

Customizable Reports for Government Contracting Insights

Hour Timesheet gives you reports designed especially for government contractors. Create the reports needed for DCAA audits, see how profitable each project is, and figure out the best way to use your team across different contracts.

DCAA Compliance Expertise Built-In

Hour Timesheet helps you stay compliant with DCAA regulations. It has built-in features that guide you towards correct timekeeping practices. Plus, it connects seamlessly with QuickBooks, ensuring your financial records are accurate and aligned. Our team understands the process of DCAA requirements, so you can have confidence that your processes are correct.

Additional Benefits of Hour Timesheet for Government Contractors

Beyond core features, Hour Timesheet offers a user-friendly interface that minimizes training time. Your team can start working quickly, saving you time and money on training. It simplifies complicated timekeeping tasks for a smoother workflow. 

Hour Timesheet’s mobile app also lets on-site employees track time and submit leave requests right from the field. Most importantly, the program helps you avoid those costly errors that can derail government contract billing and compliance.

Try Hour Timesheet Today

Hour Timesheet integrates with QuickBooks for government contracting. The program saves contractors time, reduces errors, and ensures compliance. Experience the benefits firsthand with a free trial and streamline your QuickBooks government contracting processes. 

QuickBooks for Government Contractors: A Guide

If you work with government contracts, you know that using QuickBooks for government contractors means dealing with DCAA compliance. While QuickBooks is a helpful tool, it doesn’t have all the specialized features you need to stay compliant. That’s why many government contractors turn to Hour Timesheet.

It integrates with DCAA-compliant accounting systems, providing the critical capabilities needed for DCAA audits. Together, they simplify workflows and ensure accurate record-keeping.

The Challenges of QuickBooks for Government Contractors

Government contracts demand a level of precision and audit readiness that standard accounting tools often struggle to provide. Popular accounting software might fall short in these areas, creating roadblocks for achieving compliance.

DCAA Compliance Shortfalls

DCAA demands strict timekeeping with detailed records. Standard accounting software may lack features like detailed time-tracking reports and thorough audit trails for timesheet changes. This can force businesses to rely on additional spreadsheets or manual processes, increasing the risk of errors and inconsistencies.

Complex Job Costing

Government contracts demand accurate cost allocation across projects, tasks, and government-mandated job codes. Standard accounting software may not provide the necessary details for precise job costing. This can affect profitability analysis and accurate invoicing.

Integration Gaps

Standard accounting software often connects with payroll systems, but these connections can struggle with DCAA-specific coding. This leads to mismatches and errors, requiring manual intervention and increasing audit risk.

These challenges can lead to costly errors, extra work, and problems if you get audited by the DCAA. Knowing these limitations helps you decide if QuickBooks is enough on its own, or if you need additional tools for your government contract accounting.

How Hour Timesheet Transforms Government Contract Management

Government contracts require specialized time tracking and project management beyond the capabilities of standard accounting software. Hour Timesheet addresses these needs with features designed for DCAA compliance:

DCAA-Approved Time Tracking

Hour Timesheet simplifies tracking employee hours for each contract, project, and task. It even enforces detailed time recording with clear descriptions that meet DCAA standards. It also automates approval workflows and maintains a complete audit trail for every timesheet change. 

Easy Project Cost Tracking

Hour Timesheet assigns time and expenses directly to projects, jobs, and tasks. This granular cost tracking ensures accurate billing for government contracts and provides valuable insights into project profitability.

Better Leave Management

Hour Timesheet streamlines leave requests for government contracts. Employees can easily submit leave requests and specify which contract they apply to. The system then checks to make sure the request follows the rules for that contract’s leave allowances. Hour Timesheet also automatically tracks how much leave each employee has used and accrued.

Optional GPS Tracking for On-Site Work

Government contractors often have employees who work outside the office. Hour Timesheet’s mobile app makes time tracking easy for them. Employees can clock in and out, switch between tasks they’re working on, and even submit leave requests directly from their phones or tablets. This ensures accurate reporting for remote employees.

DCAA-Ready Reports

With a single click, the software creates reports that meet all DCAA requirements and are ready for auditors to review. Moreover, Hour Timesheet provides valuable insights into how profitable your projects are and how you’re allocating your resources.

Streamlined Workflows for DCAA Compliance

Hour Timesheet makes your life easier by making your timekeeping, accounting, and payroll systems “talk” to each other smoothly. This is important for government contractors because it saves time and prevents costly mistakes.  

This software tool eliminates manual data entry by automatically transferring approved timesheets, hours, and job cost data from Hour Timesheet directly to the accounting system. This reduces the risk of errors that could impact billing accuracy or create problems during DCAA audits.

Hour Timesheet also ensures DCAA-specific details, such as job codes, map accurately to the payroll system. This guarantees correct payroll calculations and minimizes the need for manual adjustments, ensuring compliance with DCAA regulations.

Why Hour Timesheet Is The Ideal DCAA Partner

Hour Timesheet supports government contract management by connecting timekeeping, accounting, and payroll functions. Its design leverages DCAA expertise, with dedicated support throughout the setup. This integration, alongside compatibility with various accounting platforms, makes Hour Timesheet a valuable tool for streamlining workflows and achieving DCAA compliance.

The Smart Choice for Government Contracting

Hour Timesheet is a powerful tool designed to enhance DCAA compliance for businesses using DCAA-compliant accounting systems (like QuickBooks for government contractors). It provides features that boost accuracy and minimize audit risk:

  • Precision Timekeeping and Reporting: Hour Timesheet ensures meticulous time tracking and generates DCAA-ready reports, reducing the need for manual processes and spreadsheets.
  • Accuracy for Compliance: Hour Timesheet’s government-focused features help minimize errors, streamlining workflows and supporting DCAA audit preparation.
  • Maximize Your Accounting System: Hour Timesheet integrates with DCAA-compliant accounting platforms, allowing them to work together effectively for government contract management.

While Hour Timesheet offers great tools for compliance, it’s most effective when partnered with a DCAA-compliant accounting system. This combination can help government contractors meet the stringent requirements of government contracts.

How to Make QuickBooks DCAA Compliant in Simple Steps

QuickBooks serves as a pivotal management tool for businesses, streamlining accounting tasks and financial record-keeping. However, when engaging in contracts with the federal government, companies must adhere to the Defense Contract Audit Agency’s stringent compliance guidelines. DCAA compliance involves adhering to specific government standards related to financial management and audit preparation, ensuring that businesses accurately track and report their expenses.

The importance of a DCAA-approved accounting system cannot be overstated, as it is fundamental for businesses to successfully pass audits and secure government contracts. Compliance encompasses a broad spectrum of requirements, such as detailed time tracking, expense categorization, and the maintenance of an audit trail.

In this landscape, QuickBooks alone may not fully meet the DCAA’s stringent requirements without the aid of additional tools and configurations. This gap is where Hour Timesheet steps in, offering solutions specifically designed to ensure that businesses using QuickBooks can achieve DCAA compliance with ease. From simplifying time tracking to providing audit-ready records, the synergy between Hour Timesheet and QuickBooks paves the way for successful contract management and audit readiness.

Features of Hour Timesheet’s Solutions That Enable DCAA Compliance for QuickBooks

Hour Timesheet offers a suite of features aimed at aiding businesses in achieving and maintaining DCAA compliance while utilizing QuickBooks for their accounting needs. These convenient solutions are tailored to streamline various aspects of financial management and record-keeping, specifically focusing on the critical areas of time tracking, leave management, job costing, location tracking, and mobile timekeeping.

Simplified Time Tracking

Hour Timesheet simplifies the process of tracking employees’ work hours with precision and ease, ensuring that every minute worked on government contracts is accurately logged. This level of detail is essential for adhering to DCAA regulations, which demand meticulous timekeeping practices.

Efficient Leave Management

Managing leaves becomes hassle-free with Hour Timesheet’s intuitive system, which tracks leave balances and ensures that time off is accounted for correctly in accordance with DCAA guidelines. This feature aids companies in maintaining accurate payroll processing and compliance with labor laws.

Accuracy in Job Costing

Hour Timesheet enhances job costing capabilities, allowing businesses to allocate labor and expenses accurately to specific projects or contracts. This precise allocation is crucial for DCAA compliance, as it enables clear and transparent reporting of costs associated with government contracts.

Convenient Location Tracking

For businesses that require location-specific data for compliance or operational purposes, Hour Timesheet offers location tracking features. This ensures that companies can verify where work was performed, further aligning with DCAA requirements for detailed reporting.

Handy Mobile Time Tracking

Recognizing the need for flexibility, Hour Timesheet provides mobile solutions for time tracking, enabling employees to log hours worked directly from their devices. This functionality is invaluable for fieldwork or remote assignments, ensuring compliance no matter where work is conducted.

Together, these features form a comprehensive compliance framework when integrated with QuickBooks. By addressing the essential aspects of DCAA compliance, from audit trails to reminders, Hour Timesheet equips businesses with the tools needed for smooth and successful engagements with government contracts.

Hour Timesheet Compliance Features

Hour Timesheet enhances the DCAA compliance capabilities of QuickBooks through a set of specialized features, focusing on audit trails, reminders, and seamless integration.

DCAA-Compliant Audit Trails

Maintaining a robust audit trail is a cornerstone of DCAA compliance. Hour Timesheet automatically generates detailed records of all timekeeping and financial transactions. These records include who made the entry when it was made, and what changes were implemented. This level of detail ensures businesses can achieve compliance during DCAA audits, presenting a chronological ledger of activities for verifiability.

Reminders and Notifications

Ensuring timely and accurate data entry is needed for compliance. Hour Timesheet’s system sends out automated reminders and notifications to employees and managers about submitting timesheets, approving hours, and completing other time-sensitive actions. This proactive approach minimizes the risk of late or inaccurate entries, a critical aspect of maintaining DCAA compliance.

Integration with QuickBooks for Efficient Record-Keeping and Compliance

One of Hour Timesheet’s standout features is its seamless integration with QuickBooks. This integration ensures that all financial data, from payroll to project expenses, flows directly into QuickBooks. As a result, businesses enjoy streamlined record-keeping processes and simplified financial reporting, keeping them in line with DCAA requirements without additional manual effort.

The Process: Making QuickBooks DCAA Compliant with Hour Timesheet

Achieving DCAA compliance within QuickBooks is a streamlined process with the integration of Hour Timesheet’s specialized solutions. This symbiotic relationship transforms QuickBooks into a powerful, compliance-ready platform, ensuring your business can competently manage government contracts. Here’s how to navigate this integration and setup:

Initial Setup and Integration

Begin by setting up your Hour Timesheet account. The platform offers an easy-to-follow guide for linking your QuickBooks account, ensuring a seamless sync of data between the two systems. This integration allows for the direct transfer of financial and time tracking data, eliminating manual entry errors and ensuring consistency across records.

Configuring Time Tracking Features

With your accounts synced, the next step involves configuring Hour Timesheet’s timekeeping functionalities to meet DCAA standards. This includes setting up detailed job codes, enabling precise tracking of hours spent on specific tasks or projects. The system’s customizable settings allow for the enforcement of time entry deadlines and real-time compliance checks, essential for DCAA adherence.

Implementing Leave and Labor Categorization

Define leave categories and labor distribution within Hour Timesheet to accurately reflect direct and indirect costs. This classification is crucial for DCAA audits and can be effortlessly managed through the platform, with data automatically reflected in QuickBooks.

Establishing Audit Trails and Security Measures

Hour Timesheet automatically records all-time entry modifications and approvals, creating a comprehensive audit trail that DCAA auditors could request. Additionally, set up role-based access controls to further secure sensitive data and comply with DCAA’s internal control requirements.

Regular Monitoring and Reporting

Use Hour Timesheet’s reporting features to regularly review compliance metrics and prepare for potential DCAA audits. The platform offers specialized reports tailored to DCAA requirements, ensuring you can confidently demonstrate compliance at any moment.

By integrating Hour Timesheet’s with QuickBooks, businesses can achieve DCAA compliance with ease and efficiently manage the complexities of government contracting. This combined solution streamlines compliance and operational workflows, enabling businesses to focus on delivering outstanding results.

QuickBooks Government Contracting: A Simplified Guide

Government contracts demand precision when it comes to managing accounting and timekeeping. Employees often use QuickBooks government contracting to help with accounting. However, the program needs help to meet strict DCAA compliance requirements. That’s where Hour Timesheet comes in. We know the challenges government contractors face and have developed a solution to streamline your QuickBooks workflow. 

Hour Timesheet helps you achieve DCAA compliance, letting you focus on securing and delivering government contracts.

The Basics of QuickBooks for Government Contractors

QuickBooks is a popular accounting choice for good reason. It offers many benefits for businesses of all sizes. Let’s take a closer look at how QuickBooks can be used for government contract work, including its strengths and areas where it might need extra support.

Benefits of QuickBooks

QuickBooks is known for its intuitive design, making it relatively easy to learn and get started with. The software has basic tools to track income and expenses, which is a crucial part of managing government contract billing. QuickBooks can connect with payroll and other systems, making it easier to manage your financial information.

Limitations of QuickBooks

Despite its benefits, QuickBooks has limitations for government contractors, namely its lack of specialized timekeeping and reporting features necessary for full DCAA compliance. Moreover, government contracts often demand complex job-based cost tracking, which can be difficult to configure and manage accurately within QuickBooks.

QuickBooks + Hour Timesheet Integration

While QuickBooks is a helpful tool, Hour Timesheet adds the specialized features government contractors need for success. Together, they create a smoother and more accurate process for managing your contracts.

Hour Timesheet strengthens QuickBooks with DCAA-compliant timekeeping, advanced job costing, and payroll integration. This duo helps government contractors focus on delivering results, knowing their financial tracking and compliance needs are met.

How Hour Timesheet Simplifies QuickBooks Government Contracting

QuickBooks has a solid foundation, but government contractors need Hour Timesheet to streamline contract management and achieve DCAA compliance. Let’s see how Hour Timesheet enhances QuickBooks, boosting accuracy and efficiency in critical areas.

DCAA Compliant Timekeeping with QuickBooks

Hour Timesheet strengthens QuickBooks by providing features for DCAA timekeeping standards. Employees can track their time against specific government contracts and job codes. 

Additionally, the program streamlines DCAA compliance with customizable approval workflows, clear audit trails, and easy generation of compliance-ready reports. This integration makes timekeeping and DCAA reporting easier for government contractors.

Advanced Job Costing for Government Contracts

Hour Timesheet makes government contract job costing manageable.  The platform lets you track time and expenses against each project, job, and task. This detailed information is necessary for budgeting, invoicing, and understanding the profitability of your government contracts.

Seamless QuickBooks and Payroll Integration

Hour Timesheet has a smooth flow of financial data between QuickBooks and your preferred payroll systems. Approved time entries and relevant job cost information transfer automatically, eliminating manual data entry and minimizing errors. The program saves government contractors time and keeps the accuracy of their financial records, from time tracking to payroll and billing.

Key Features of Hour Timesheet

Government Contract-Focused Time Tracking

Managing time accurately against government contracts is important for billing and DCAA compliance. Hour Timesheet allows employees to log hours against specific contracts, work breakdown structures (WBS), and individual tasks. The software enforces DCAA-approved descriptions for activities, providing accurate documentation. 

Additionally, you can define customizable approval workflows that match your organization and contract needs. This provides oversight of time entries before payroll processing. 

Finally, Hour Timesheet maintains detailed audit trails for all time entries, demonstrating accountability and facilitating DCAA audits.

GPS Location Tracking for Government Projects 

For government projects requiring on-site verification of work, Hour Timesheet’s optional GPS location tracking adds another layer of accountability.  Employees can use the mobile app to clock in and out at project locations. This data can then be used to validate work performed and strengthen your DCAA compliance posture.

Leave Management for Government Contracts

Hour Timesheet streamlines leave management in the context of government contracts. The program automatically keeps track of how much leave employees earn and use. This makes it easy to create accurate reports and make sure you’re following the rules of each government contract.

Customizable Reports for Government Contracting Insights

Hour Timesheet gives you reports designed especially for government contractors. Create the reports needed for DCAA audits, see how profitable each project is, and figure out the best way to use your team across different contracts.

DCAA Compliance Expertise Built-In

Hour Timesheet helps you stay compliant with DCAA regulations. It has built-in features that guide you towards correct timekeeping practices. Plus, it connects seamlessly with QuickBooks, ensuring your financial records are accurate and aligned. Our team understands the ins and outs of DCAA requirements, so you can have confidence that your processes are correct.

Additional Benefits of Hour Timesheet for Government Contractors

Beyond core features, Hour Timesheet offers a user-friendly interface that minimizes training time. Your team can start working quickly, saving you time and money on training. It simplifies complicated timekeeping tasks for a smoother workflow. 

Hour Timesheet’s mobile app also lets on-site employees track time and submit leave requests right from the field. Most importantly, the program helps you avoid those costly errors that can derail government contract billing and compliance.

Why Choose Hour Timesheet for QuickBooks Government Contracting

Hour Timesheet is the ideal complement to QuickBooks for government contract management. It’s built with a deep understanding of DCAA compliance, helping you with audits. Furthermore, our team caters to the needs of government contractors.  Hour Timesheet also integrates with other leading accounting solutions to accommodate your organization’s setup.

Try Hour Timesheet Today

Hour Timesheet simplifies QuickBooks for government contracting. The program saves contractors time, reduces errors, and ensures compliance. Experience the benefits firsthand with a free trial and streamline your QuickBooks government contracting processes. 

Guide to DCAA Approved Compliance QuickBooks for Businesses

In government contracting, businesses must achieve DCAA approved compliance QuickBooks to meet regulations and maintain financial integrity. We’ll guide you through configuring QuickBooks to align with DCAA standards. By implementing customizable time-tracking features and leveraging job costing capabilities, you can exceed DCAA requirements.

DCAA Compliance and Its Importance for QuickBooks Users

Familiarizing yourself with the intricacies of DCAA requirements can save your small business from potential headaches. Navigating QuickBooks to meet these guidelines is essential for anyone involved in government contracting.

What is DCAA Compliance?

The Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) sets strict rules for responsible spending of taxpayer dollars. To secure Department of Defense (DoD) contracts, businesses must track every penny meticulously. Simply skimming through your books won’t suffice; you need a deep understanding of the DCAA’s complex criteria to stay compliant.

The Role of QuickBooks in Meeting DCAA Requirements

QuickBooks Online provides a powerful platform that, when properly adjusted, can assist you in meeting the strict requirements of the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA). It is essential to adhere to these regulations to avoid audit problems and ensure the success of your government contracting business.

How to Make QuickBooks DCAA Compliant

QuickBooks Online offers a powerful platform that, with the right adjustments, can help you meet the stringent requirements of the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA). It’s important to follow these regulations to avoid audit problems and ensure the success of your government contracting business.

Customizable Time-Tracking Feature

To meet DCAA standards, accurate labor recording is non-negotiable. Luckily, QuickBooks Online offers customizable time-tracking features that allow you to closely monitor the time workers spend on specific assignments or projects. This feature ensures meticulous record-keeping and accurate tracking of every minute worked on government contracts. 

Precise documentation is an important aspect of successful adherence to DCAA guidelines, and these time-tracking capabilities support that need.

Job Costing Capabilities in QuickBooks Online

The job costing function in QuickBooks Online tracks expenses and revenue associated with each contract or project. This feature helps you separate direct costs (charged directly to a project) from indirect costs (like overhead), as required by the DCAA.

By improving audit efficiency, this feature simplifies compliance and provides a better understanding of the financial health of your projects. It enables you to make informed decisions and implement smarter growth strategies based on accurate and comprehensive financial insights.

Hour Timesheet Integration with QuickBooks for Enhanced Compliance

Integrating Hour Timesheet with QuickBooks simplifies the process of compliance, especially for businesses handling government contracts. Adhering to DCAA standards is a must, and Hour Timesheet provides essential features for labor distribution and tracking indirect costs, ensuring compliance every step of the way.

Simplifying Labor Distribution

Labor distribution can be a complex puzzle, but Hour Timesheet makes it manageable. It categorizes direct and indirect costs effortlessly, keeping your finances organized and accurate. This streamlined process is necessary during DCAA audits, as auditors closely examine how well you track expenses for each project or contract objective. Any misstep can result in penalties or even the loss of future contracts.

With the integration of Hour Timesheet, you can rest assured that all time entries are meticulously recorded. This provides peace of mind that your daily timekeeping and invoice generation align perfectly with DCAA requirements and other government regulations.

Key Features of a Compliant Accounting System According to the DCAA

The DCAA has strict rules for accounting systems used by government contractors. These rules require accurate and transparent handling of financial matters. One important rule is the separation of direct and indirect costs. This means businesses must clearly distinguish between expenses directly tied to specific contracts and those supporting overall business operations.

An approved accounting system must also be good at identifying and keeping track of direct costs for each contract. This accuracy is important for creating invoices that reflect the true expenses of each project, ensuring fair billing practices with the government. 

It’s also important to have strong control over the general ledger, which is the foundation for monitoring all financial activities. This builds confidence in your company’s financial operations.

To navigate the complex DCAA regulations, solutions like QuickBooks have evolved with specialized features to promote compliance. QuickBooks offers customizable timekeeping, which is essential for keeping accurate records, and job costing capabilities to help manage both direct and indirect costs effectively. 

By combining software like Hour Timesheet with tools like QuickBooks, businesses can streamline the task of tracking project expenses by allocating labor accurately. This integration not only makes it easier to meet complex regulations but also improves the ability to provide detailed documentation during audits.

Streamline Your Government Contracting with DCAA Approved Compliance QuickBooks

Simplify your government contracting with DCAA approved compliance QuickBooks. It’s the key to feeling confident in your financial management. You’ve learned how important it is to accurately track time and costs, ensuring every dollar is accounted for.

Ready to take the next step? Explore Hour Timesheet integration. This handy tool makes it easy to distribute labor costs, simplifying your accounting process.

Don’t forget that separating costs is not just a good practice, it’s crucial. QuickBooks is here to help you keep track of direct and indirect expenses, ensuring transparency.

Start today. With the right setup and tools like QuickBooks Online and Hour Timesheet, being prepared for audits becomes second nature. Use these insights to create impeccable documentation that can withstand any scrutiny.

Managing Indirect Rates with Hour Timesheet

As a government contractor, managing your indirect rates is of utmost importance if you want to bid on government contracts. However, keeping track of indirect rates can be a daunting task, especially for small businesses without sophisticated accounting systems. In this blog post, we will dive into how Hour Timesheet can help small businesses manage their indirect rates efficiently and stay in compliance with DCAA regulations.

What Are Indirect Rates?

Indirect rates are those expenses that cannot be directly attributed to a specific project, such as overhead costs like rent, utilities, and fringe benefits. Tracking and monitoring these indirect rates is necessary to ensure that your company is not overcharging the government and, ultimately, maintaining compliance with DCAA regulations.

Moreover, maintaining optimal indirect rates can help your business stand out in the crowded government contracting space. Companies with low indirect rates have a competitive edge over those with higher rates when it comes to bidding on government contracts.

Types of Indirect Rates

Fringe Benefits: This category includes costs related to employee benefits, such as health insurance, retirement contributions, and paid time off. Examples of costs in this bucket are:

  • Health and dental insurance premiums
  • Life insurance premiums
  • Retirement plan contributions (e.g., 401k matching)
  • Vacation, sick leave, and holiday pay

Overhead: Overhead costs are associated with the general operations and administration of a company but are not directly tied to a specific contract or project. Examples of overhead costs include:

  • Office rent and utilities
  • Office supplies and equipment
  • Depreciation on office furniture and equipment
  • Salaries and wages for support staff (e.g., administrative assistants, human resources personnel)

General and Administrative (G&A): These costs are related to the overall management and administration of a company. G&A costs are often incurred at the corporate level and cannot be directly linked to a specific contract or project. Examples of G&A costs are:

  • Executive salaries and bonuses
  • Legal and accounting fees
  • Marketing and business development expenses
  • Corporate insurance premiums

How Does Hour Timesheet help with managing indirect rates?

Hour Timesheet is a cloud-based time tracking software that allows employees and contractors to track hours worked in real-time. With Hour Timesheet, businesses can analyze and aggregate the total billable hours, allowing visibility of the entire workload and all costs incurred, including indirect costs.

Hour Timesheet makes it easy to manage indirect rates by automatically calculating the total billable hours and integrating with your internal cost accounting and other financial systems. With Hour Timesheet, businesses can input and track all indirect costs incurred, providing immediate visibility into indirect cost rates by project and company, making calculations for future submissions more manageable.


Hour Timesheet provides government contractors with a powerful tool to manage their indirect rates and ensure compliance with DCAA regulations. The software makes it easy to track indirect expenses, integrate with other financial systems, and calculate indirect rates for each project and company-wide. With Hour Timesheet, businesses can stay on top of their indirect rates, remain competitive in the government contracting space, and avoid costly compliance issues.

Start your 30-day free trial of Hour Timesheet today!

The Keys Understanding DCAA Compliance

The term ‘DCAA compliance’ when referring to your timekeeping procedures is often just thrown around. But what is DCAA compliance, and what does it mean for your business? If you don’t understand what that means, Keep reading this blog post for assistance for keys to understanding DCAA Compliant Timekeeping

What Is the DCAA?

What does DCAA stand for? Simply put, DCAA stands for Defense Contract Audit Agency. This is the federal government agency responsible for conducting DCAA audits of the Department of Defense (DoD) contracts. Its purpose is to review all contracts with outside vendors and suppliers to ensure that taxpayer money is being spent in the most appropriate manner. With approximately 7,500 contractors being reviewed and audited every year, the agency’s responsibilities are substantial making Understanding DCAA Compliance critical for government contractors.

As imagined, the DoD is very strict about its rules and regulations surrounding DCAA compliance and timekeeping. The DoD will award government contracts to businesses that use web-based timekeeping if they meet all requirements.

For companies seeking government contracts, adhering to the DCAA requirements is imperative. Those that are found to be noncompliant with the agency’s standards run the risk of being hit with significant penalties. These run the gamut from termination of contracts to fines to prison time depending on the severity of the infractions. One of the most severe consequences of noncompliance is debarment, which means the contractor in question is no longer allowed to be considered for future federal contracts.

What Is an Audit and How does it Relate to Understanding DCAA Compliance?

Audits and reviews are the primary method the DCAA uses to determine whether or not a contractor is complying with the appropriate standards. What is a DCAA review? These typically examine a wide range of items, including direct costs, indirect cost pools, allowable costs and more.

There are a wide range of audits that a contractor may be subjected to, depending on the nature of the standards being looked at and the possible infraction. For example, audits may include:

  • Pre-award surveys — These reviews are conducted primarily to determine whether or not the contractor’s accounting system is up to DCAA standards. They typically involve the contractor demonstrating the system for an auditor.
  • Forward pricing — Under this type of audit, the DCAA evaluates the contractor’s estimate of the project’s cost. They are usually performed before the contract is awarded.
  • Incurred costs — These audits determine how accurate a contractor’s annual allowable cost representations are. This is performed after the awarding of the contract to ensure what the contractor has estimated the costs to be is truly what was quoted.

Keys to Understanding DCAA Compliance

Referring to Federal Acquisition Regulation and Cost Accounting Standards, respectively, FAR and CAS are rule sets used by the DCAA to establish its standards. FAR represents the guidelines for government procurement and is used by all federal agencies whenever purchasing goods or services. On the other hand, CAS refers to the rules used to establish consistency for government contractors’ cost accounting practices. This includes outlining how charges to contracts can be made and exactly what can be charged to them. Both of these frameworks inform and influence the DCAA regulations. Keys to Understanding DCAA Compliance are below.

1. The company must document all timekeeping procedures in a policy or procedure handbook.

The employee handbook must address all critical elements of an adequate timekeeping system. Companies must provide all employees with an up-to-date policy or procedure handbook regarding time entry procedures.

2. Every employee must record all of his/her time daily.

Attempting to track time worked in advance or days after the fact is not acceptable. Hour Timesheet comes equipped with reminders and alerts to ensure employee time is entered daily. This means that no matter the size of the company, Hour Timesheet is equipped for every employee to track time. This DCAA timekeeping feature is especially useful for any companies participating in SBIR and STTR programs. They may be smaller businesses, but they must ensure they remain DCAA compliant to qualify for their funding.

3. All employees must record 100% of the time worked.

Whether working on a government contract or commercial work, all time worked must be accounted for. With the Hour Timesheet mobile app  the employees and 1099’s can add time from anywhere, whether they’re working from home or the office.

4. Employees must record all indirect time not identifiable to a given project to proper indirect cost accounts (Overhead, G&A, B&P, R&D, etc.)

One example of an indirect cost is overhead. This usually includes the indirect costs involved in support operations or direct production. These costs are directly related to a project or projects. However, they cannot be allocated to one specific contract. This is because they overlap across many different projects.

5. Employees must record all PTO, vacation, sick, holiday, and other leave time to the proper leave accounts.

Hour Timesheet allows for leave tracking any kind 

6. The system administrator(s) should initiate all job codes that appear in the timekeeping system.

Charge codes must be provided to employees authorized to work on a given project.

7. All timesheet entries must be recorded by the employee.

An employee must record their time based on work completed. They should track all time entries, irrespective of whether the time is billable or non-billable. This must happen daily.

8. Employees must charge to the appropriate project

Whenever the employee completes work or tasks, they must charge it accurately and directly to that project. Hour Timesheet can be setup to restrict which codes an employee can charge their time; therefore, an employee cannot charge to a project they have not been assigned.

9. Employees may not work on indirect tasks and record time as direct costs

An indirect task is work that is not explicitly tied to a project. To remain DCAA, compliant employees must never charge the time it takes to complete these tasks to any project. This would violate DCAA compliance and regulations.

10. The employee is required to initiate all correction timesheet entries.

The employee must record all corrected timesheet data that includes a detailed audit trail. An audit trail is critical to remaining DCAA compliant.

The employee’s supervisor must approve every correction time entry in a detailed report, in the event of a DCAA audit.

In the unusual circumstances where the employee cannot make the changes to timesheets, then the HTS administrator may make such changes with the employee’s consent. The DCAA may analyze each entry on an employee’s timesheet. Thanks to your detailed audit trail, the DCAA will see who edited a time card after it was submitted. They will also be able to see when the changes were made, and why. Hour Timesheet creates an un-editable audit log that proper documentation. This activity log will include all of all the additions, deletions, approvals, and modifications made to your employees’ timesheets.

11. The employee’s supervisor must approve all employee timesheet data.

Each timesheet requires two signatures, in order to comply with DCAA compliance regulations. Hour Timesheet allows for online signatures at both the employee and manager levels.

12. All employees should be provided documented timekeeping training.

The company’s employee handbook or new-hire orientation program typically includes this training. Either way the employee should become familiar with the company’s timekeeping policy before they begin working.

13. In order to be DCAA compliant, the company must retain timesheet data for at least two years.

That means the company must be keep their files in a secure and easily accessible location. Should the DCAA require you to produce copies of your timesheets, they should be available. Hour Timesheet keeps the timesheets indefinitely for all employees, current, and past.

14. The company must conduct audit or floor checks randomly throughout the year to monitor employee timekeeping compliance.

Unfortunately, not knowing the keys to understand DCAA timekeeping compliance is one of the primary reasons government contractors fail an audit. Hour Timesheet can help. We have the employee and contractor time tracking experience to ensure total complianceSign up for Hour Timesheet today and work with an experienced implementation rep to review your account for total compliance. All for FREE.

We Can Help

What is DCAA accounting, and how can you ensure your organization is in compliance? Choosing Hour Timesheet’s solutions for your timekeeping provides you with a DCAA-compliant answer that is easy for you and your employees to use. Our simple, real-time time-tracking platform gives you the tools and resources needed to stay compliant and prepared for any audits that might come your way. To learn more about our software the Keys to Understanding DCAA Compliance and what it can do for you, reach out and speak with one of our representatives today.