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Billable vs Non Billable

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Tracking Billable Time in Hour Timesheet | Setup Instructions

Business Rules and Billable Time

Navigate to Settings/Timesheet tab

(check box) Restrict Employees from charging work hour in advance – When this box is checked, users will not be allowed to enter time entries for billable items on the timesheet.

NOTE: This box should be checked for DCAA compliance.

Setting Charge Codes as Billable or Non-Billable

Billable Charge Codes

Creating Employee Charge Code Associations Creating charge code associations by employee will limit what each user is able to charge to when entering hours on a timesheet. Employees can have multiple charge code associations and charge codes can be assigned to multiple employees.

  1. Navigate to the Accounting/Codes menu
  2. Click the Create New button
  3. Select the Customer/Job to expand the list of Select Charge Codes. Select from the list the Customer/Job(s) needed for association to employee(s) REQUIRED
  4. Select the Service Item to expand the list of Select Service Items. Select from the list the Service Items needed for association to employee(s) OPTIONAL
  5. Select the Class list to expand the list of Classes. Select from the list the Classes needed for association to employee(s) OPTIONAL
  6. Select the Pay Type to expand the list of Select Pay Type(s). Select from the list the Pay Types needed for association to employee(s) OPTIONAL
  7. Choose the Billable or Non-Billable radio button
  8. Click the Add button

Setting Employee Specific Charge Codes as Billable vs Non-Billable

This page displays the charge code associations for each employee (which limit what each user can charge to when entering hours on a timesheet). Employees can have multiple charge code associations and charge codes can be assigned to multiple employees.

  1. Navigate to the Employee/Detail menu
  2. Select the Employee from the Available Employees list box
  3. Click the edit icon for the charge code to be updated
  4. Select the Billable or Non-Billable radio button
  5. Click Ok

employee billable

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