
How to mark a user as Inactive in Hour Timesheet

Syncing Inactive Users from QuickBooks

1. Login to your company QuickBooks File and mark the user(s) as inactive in QuickBooks

2. Login to Hour Timesheet as a user with Admin role

3. Sync by clicking Import button from Setting/Connect to QuickBooks page. If using QuickBooks Desktop, run the web connector.

4. Hour Timesheet will automatically mark the employee’s status as Inactive in Hour Timesheet

Marking Users as Inactive in Hour Timesheet if they are still ACTIVE in QuickBooks

Hour Timesheet will import your company’s employee and vendors (if selected) during the initial data import process as well as each time you sync your data. To set a user as inactive , follow the steps below:

1. Login to Hour Timesheet as a user with Admin role

2. Navigate to the Employee List menu

3. Click the More button next to the name of the employee you are wanting to terminate

4. Click the “Turn Sync Off” if this user is active in your QuickBooks company file

5. Click the “Make Inactive”

Timesheet Settings

Timesheet Settings

1. Login to Hour Timesheet as an admin

2. Navigate to the Settings menu

3. Click the Timesheet tab

Timesheet Settings Tab

Timesheet Settings Timesheet Type

This is the timesheet period displayed in the My Timesheet menu for each employee. Changes to this setting after timesheet data exist in your site will cause a conflict of reporting data. Please contact customer support at support@hourtimesheet.com before changing this setting if your account already has existing timesheet data. Timesheet options are:





Start Day of the Week

This is the day of the week that you would like your timesheet to begin on (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, etc.).

Start Time

This is the start time of the day. The default time is set to 12am. [Do not change this setting]

Business Rules

Timesheet Settings Business Rules

Capture reason for any changes made in previous day

When this box is checked, users will be prompted to insert a reason for editing a prior day on the timesheet or failing to enter time on the current day. NOTE: This box should be checked for DCAA compliance.

Restrict Employees from charging work hour in advance

When this box is checked, users will not be allowed to enter time entries for billable items on the timesheet. NOTE: This box should be checked for DCAA compliance.

Allow employees to enter negative work hour on timesheet

This option only appears to customers using “Custom” integration. QuickBooks users are not allowed to enter negative values on timesheet.

Track and export leave hours against charge codes

This option applies to QuickBooks users who need to associate job codes and service items to leave types.

Restrict Employee to edit/delete clock in/out value once added

This option (when checked) restricts the employee from editing in/out punches. These punches can come from mobile app, web clock or time clock.

Restrict manual entry of in/out times on timesheet for employees

This option (when checked) restricts the employee from entering in/out punches. These punches can come from mobile app, web clock or time clock.

Web Connector Troubleshooting Guide

Web Connector Troubleshooting Guide

STEP A.  End all background processes related to QuickBooks using Task Manager.

  1. QuickBooks (Right click – End Task)
  2. Web Connector (Right click – End Task)

Task Manager

Step B. Delete Existing Web Connector File from Computer Using Registry Editor

  1. In Windows, enter “regedit” in the Windows search
  2. Expand the tree in this order [HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareIntuitQBWebConnector].
  3. Right click QBWebConnector, click Delete


Step C. Set QuickBooks and related files to run as Administrator

  1. In Windows, search for Web Connector, right click, check “Run as administrator”.
  2. In Windows, search for QuickBooks, right click, check” Run as administrator”

run as admin

Step D. Set HTS QuickBooks Integration file to run as administrator

  1. Right click on HTS QuickBooks Integration icon from your desktop
  2. Click properties
  3. Click the Compatibility tab and check that option “Run this program as administrator”

Run QB as admin

Step E. Run the HTS QuickBooks Integration file (double click on desktop icon) from #4 above. When you see the screenshot below, make sure you change the selected option to the one highlighted below.

QuickBooks Authorization Prompt while setting up HTS

Step F. From your browser, login to your account of Hour Timesheet (URL used in signup process.

  1. Navigate to the Setting Menu
  2. Click the Connect to QuickBooks tab. You should now see a green text that states “Connected

Importing Data from QuickBooks Online

Importing Data from QuickBooks Online

To sync your data, you will need access to your login credentials for your QuickBooks Online account. (see notes below)

You are able to select which data elements to sync between QuickBooks and Hour Timesheet. The import tool will sync Employees, Customer/Jobs, Service Items, Classes and Vendors.

QuickBooks Online Data Selections

Login to your Hour Timesheet login page as user with admin or accountant role

1. Navigate to the Settings menu item

2. Click the Connect to QuickBooks tab (this article requires that the connection to your QuickBooks Online company file has already been established during the setup of Hour Timesheet.

3. Place a check in the box next to the data that you would like imported From QuickBooks Online into Hour Timesheet

4. Click the Import button to initiate the import process.

Import Success Popup

NOTE 1: The import process should be run each time new data is entered into QuickBooks.

Hour Timesheet does not allow data to be added through the Hour Timesheet software. You must add the data to your QuickBooks company file first to sync the data.

Customers & Jobs
Service Items
Employee data (including email address)
Vendor data (including email address)

NOTE 2: Hour Timesheet does allow for employee data to be created using the software but these employees WILL NOT sync timesheet data back into your QuickBooks file.