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Web Connector Troubleshooting Guide

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Web Connector Troubleshooting Guide

STEP A.  End all background processes related to QuickBooks using Task Manager.

  1. QuickBooks (Right click – End Task)
  2. Web Connector (Right click – End Task)

Task Manager

Step B. Delete Existing Web Connector File from Computer Using Registry Editor

  1. In Windows, enter “regedit” in the Windows search
  2. Expand the tree in this order [HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareIntuitQBWebConnector].
  3. Right click QBWebConnector, click Delete


Step C. Set QuickBooks and related files to run as Administrator

  1. In Windows, search for Web Connector, right click, check “Run as administrator”.
  2. In Windows, search for QuickBooks, right click, check” Run as administrator”

run as admin

Step D. Set HTS QuickBooks Integration file to run as administrator

  1. Right click on HTS QuickBooks Integration icon from your desktop
  2. Click properties
  3. Click the Compatibility tab and check that option “Run this program as administrator”

Run QB as admin

Step E. Run the HTS QuickBooks Integration file (double click on desktop icon) from #4 above. When you see the screenshot below, make sure you change the selected option to the one highlighted below.

QuickBooks Authorization Prompt while setting up HTS

Step F. From your browser, login to your account of Hour Timesheet (URL used in signup process.

  1. Navigate to the Setting Menu
  2. Click the Connect to QuickBooks tab. You should now see a green text that states “Connected
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