
Step 1. Setup Leave Types

Employee Leave Management Setup

Create Leave

1. Login to Hour Timesheet as Admin or Accountant role.

2. Navigate to Accounting→ Leave sub menu.

3. Click   Create New Leave.

4. Enter Leave Name. (Sample: Sick Leave Pay)

5. Select Pay Type from drop down box. (Sample: Sick Leave)

6. Enter Leave Description. (Sample: Sick Leave Pay)

7. Enter Start Effective Date of new leave type. (Sample: 01/01/2018)

8. Click the Save button to complete.

9. Repeat steps 1-8 above for each leave type.

Create leave screenshot

Continue to next step (configure leave policies)

Manage Data with Excel

Using Excel File to Manage Data

Hour Timesheet provides a Microsoft ®Excel template for the purpose of creating and managing account data (Employees, Charge Codes, and Pay Types). This import must be utilized if you have checked the “custom” feature in the setup wizard.

Understanding the Data Import Process

Step 1. Open the Microsoft® Excel Import File
Step 2. Prepare the file. Enter your company data

  1. Employees
  2. Charge Codes
  3. Pay Types

Step 3. Import the updated Microsoft® Excel file (your company data) in to your Hour Timesheet site.

  1. Login to your Hour Timesheet login page as user with admin or accountant role
  2. Navigate to the Settings menu item
  3. Click the Import Data tab
  4. Click the Request for Import button to initiate the import process.


Importing QuickBooks Data

QuickBooks Data Import Process

Hour Timesheet utilizes the QuickBooks Web Connector to enable the exchange of data between QuickBooks Desktop an Hour Timesheet. To sync your data, you will need access to your login credentials for your QuickBooks Desktop company file.

The import tool will sync Employees, Customer/Jobs, Payroll Items, Service Items, Classes and Vendors.

1. Open your company QuickBooks company file and enter the new data.

2. Login to your Hour Timesheet login page as user with admin or accountant role

3. Navigate to the Settings menu item

4. Click the Connect to QuickBooks tab

5. Click the Request for Import button to initiate the import process.

6. Toggle back to your QuickBooks company file and navigate to File/Update Web Services and run the web connector file.

NOTE 1:  Once the data import process is complete, you will receive an email with the details of the import.

NOTE 2: The import process should be run each time new data is entered into QuickBooks.

NOTE 3: Hour Timesheet does not allow Customer/Jobs, Service Items, Classes, Payroll Items or Vendor data to be added through the Hour Timesheet software. You must add the data to your QuickBooks company file first to sync the data.  Hour Timesheet does allow for employee data to be created using the software but these employees WILL NOT sync timesheet data back into your QuickBooks file.

NOTE 4: This article requires that the initial data sync has already been established during the setup of Hour Timesheet and that the web connector file is linked from your QuickBooks company file to your Hour Timesheet account.  See Web Connector Installer for more instructions.

Import Preferences

Import Process has started

timekeeping software free

Email Import Process Complete

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Employee List

Employee List

Send Invites

Hour Timesheet will import your company’s employee list during the initial data import process. If present in QuickBooks, email addresses for each user will be imported.  Employees will use an email address as a login to Hour Timesheet.  Each employee will be emailed a signup invitation link and will be able to complete the self-sign-up process by following the steps below:

  1. 1. Login to Hour Timesheet as Admin
  2. 2. Navigate to the Employee menu
  3. 3. Enter employee email address in your company QuickBooks file (if missing) and re-sync (import) to update the data.
  4. 4. Click More
  5. 5. Click Send Invite.
  6. 6. At this time, the employee will receive an email invitation containing a Sign Up link

employee email invite

There are 3 different status’s file employee self sign-up email invitations from Hour Timesheet

Pending Invite – the employee has not been sent an email invitation to sign up for Hour Timesheet.  An email address must be in the email address field to trigger the Send Invite process.

Invitation Sent – the email invitation has been initiated from Hour Timesheet. The status will remain unchanged until the employee completes the sign-up process.

Signed Up – the employee has received the email and clicked the Sign Up button to initiate the signup process.  The link in the email will expire within 72 hours. If necessary, the Admin can resend the sign up invitation to the employee

Assign Users (Roles)

After setting up your new site, you will need to establish system roles. By default, all users are assigned the employee role and the creator of the site is assigned the Admin role.  Hour Timesheet consists of 4 types of users:

Employees – System role allowing users access to individual timesheet entry.

Supervisors – System role allowing users to manage employee timesheet data. This includes approving, rejecting and editing employee timesheet data as well as running reports.

Accountants – System role allowing users ability to export approved timesheet data to specified accounting and/our payroll software. Users with the accounting role also have access to run reports as well as associate charge codes, leave types and payroll items to groups and employees.

Admin– System role allowing management of data to/from company payroll file. The admin role is also responsible for all system setting such as overtime settings, timesheet period and notifications settings.

To assign roles to users, follow the steps below:

  1. Login to Hour Timesheet as an admin
  2. Navigate to the Employee menu
  3. Identify the users from the list that are Supervisors, Accountants or Admins  and click the Assign Roles link.

Edit Profile

Turn Sync Off

Hire Date is a required field for the leave management feature. To enter a hire date for each employee, use the Edit feature under the Employee/Employee List/More page.

User ID – is a required field for the leave management feature. To enter a User ID for each employee, use the Edit feature under the Employee/Employee List/More page. Note: for QuickBooks users, the user ID field is not required when setting up employees in your QuickBooks file. User Ids are also known as Employee Numbers. If your organization does not have established employee numbers system for your workforce, then any set of numbers will work in Hour Timesheet. For data security reasons, using an employee’s social security number is not advised.

Turn Off QuickBooks Sync

Users may be imported from QuickBooks and marked as “non-syncing” in Hour Timesheet. This feature is designed for those users who need to stay active in your company QuickBooks file yet do not need access to Hour Timesheet.

Turn Sync Off

Setting up System Roles

Types of Users (Roles)

After setting up your new site, you will need to establish system roles. By default, all users are assigned the employee role and the creator of the site is assigned the Admin role.  Hour Timesheet consists of 4 types of users:

Employees – System role allowing users access to individual timesheet entry.

Supervisors – System role allowing users to manage employee timesheet data. This includes approving, rejecting and editing employee timesheet data as well as running reports.

Accountants – System role allowing users ability to export approved timesheet data to specified accounting and/our payroll software. Users with the accounting role also have access to run reports as well as associate charge codes, leave types and payroll items to groups and employees.

Admin– System role allowing management of data to/from company payroll file. The admin role is also responsible for all system setting such as overtime settings, timesheet period and notifications settings.

Assigning User Roles

To assign roles to users, follow the steps below:

1. Login to Hour Timesheet as an admin

2. Navigate to the Employee menu

3. Identify the users from the list that are Supervisors, Accountants or Admins  and click the Assign Roles link.

Assign Roles screenshot

Employee Authorized Charge Code Associations

Charge Code Associations

Customer/Job ⇔ Service Item ⇔ Employee) – Creating charge code associations by employee will limit what each user is able to charge to when entering hours on a timesheet. Employees can have multiple charge code associations and charge codes can be assigned to multiple employees. To create charge code associations follow the steps below:

1. Login to Hour Timesheet as Admin or Accountant

2. Navigate to Accounting → Codes sub menu

3. If you do not see any codes in the Available Authorized Charge Code(s) list box then click + Create New

4. Select the Customer/Job to expand the list of Select Charge Codes.  Select from the list the Customer/Job(s) needed for association to employee(s)

5. Select the Service Item to expand the list of Select Service Items. Select from the list the Service Items needed for association to employee(s) OPTIONAL

6. Select the Class list to expand the list of Classes. Select from the list the Classes needed for association to employee(s) OPTIONAL

7. Select the Pay Type to expand the list of Select Pay Type(s) . Select from the list the Service Items needed for association to employee(s)

8. Click the Add button

9. Place a check in the Available Authorized Charge Code(s) (items created in steps 1-8 above)

10. Select from the Available Employees list the appropriate employees to be associated to the Available Authorized Charge Code(s) from above.

11. Click the > to move the selected employees from #9 above to the selected employee list box

12. Click the calendar icon box to select a Start Effective Date and End Effective Date (optional)

13. Click the Assign button to complete.

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Leave Associations

Leave Types created in Hour Timesheet are associated with leave payroll items previously created in your QuickBooks company file. To create a leave type in Hour Timesheet:

Creating New Leave Types

1. Login to Hour Timesheet as Admin or Accountant

2. Navigate to Accounting→ Leave sub menu

3. Click Create New Leave

4. Enter Leave Name

5. Select Pay Type from drop down box (this should be the list of leave pay types imported from QuickBooks)

6. Enter Leave Description

7. Enter Start Effective Date of new leave type

8. Click the Save button to complete.

9. Repeat steps 1-8 above for each leave type.

Admin Role – Creating New Leave [Video Clip]

Creating A New Leave Policy

View Instructions of Setting Up Leave Management here

Assigning Leave Type to Employee  (Leave Type ⇔ Employee) – Creating Leave associations by employee is required so that the timesheet can select “Add Leave Hours” from the employee timesheet. To assign Leave Types to an Employee:

1. Login to Hour Timesheet as Admin or Accountant

2. Navigate to Accounting→ Leave sub menu

3. Select Assign Leave tab.

4. Click the calendar icon box to select a Start Effective Date and End Effective Date (optional)

5. Select a Leave Type  from Available Leaves selection box.

6. Select a Leave Policy from Select Leave Policy selection box.

7. Select from the Available Employees from Available Employees selection box.

Click the > to move the Employee(s) to the Selected Employees list box.

8. Click the Assign button to complete.

9. Repeat steps 1-9 above for each leave type.

Admin Role – Assign Leave [Video Link]

Setting up Supervisors

Video -> Setting Up Groups and Supervisors

Supervisor Functions

The supervisor feature is created to provide specific users access to features and functions within Hour Timesheet. Supervisors have access to the following:

Review Timesheet – create, approve, edit and reject employee timesheet data

Run Reports – access to real-time reporting data

Receive Notifications – receive event-based and time-based email alerts

Global Level Supervisors

Assigning Global Level Supervisors – Users assigned the supervisor role will have access to the Timesheet Review menu once logged in. To assign a global level supervisor follow the steps below:

1. Login to Hour Timesheet as Admin

2. Navigate to Employee menu

3. Click the Assign Roles link next to the supervisor’s name

4. Select Supervisor from the drop down

Group Level Supervisors

Assigning Group Level Supervisors – to create a group level supervisor, follow steps 1-4 above then follow the additional steps below:

1. Login to Hour Timesheet as Admin

2. Navigate to Group menu

3. If group already exists, select group from box, click Edit this Group, begin typing name of supervisor identified in steps 1-4 above in Select Supervisor box

4. If group does not exist, click Create New Group and enter group details and user’s name in Select Supervisor box. Only users with assigned Supervisor roles will be available for selection. Groups may have multiple supervisors. NOTE: By default, Admins have access to Supervisor privileges.

Admin Role – Assigning Group Supervisors  [Video Clip]

Creating and Editing Groups

Video -> Setting Up Groups and Supervisors

Timesheet Groups

Using the Hour Timesheet group feature is optional.  Timesheet Groups are used in Hour Timesheet to structure employees. Employees may be associated to one or many groups.  By creating groups and assigning employees to groups, certain features and functions can be viewed by individual group instead of the company as a whole.


Creating Groups

1. Login to Hour Timesheet as Admin or Accountant

2. Navigate to Group menu

3. Click New Group or Edit Group link

4. Enter group detail

5. Enter group supervisor – see note 1

6. Enter group accounting role – see note 2

7. Click employee(s) to be associated to group

8. Click the icon

9. Click the Save button to complete

Note 1 – Supervisors – System role allowing users to manage employee timesheet data. This includes approving, rejecting and editing employee timesheet data as well as running reports.

Note 2 – Accountants – System role allowing users ability to export approved timesheet data to specified accounting and/our payroll software. Users with the accounting role also have access to run report

Employee Role – Viewing Prior Period Timesheets

 Past Timesheet Data

Employee Role – Viewing past timesheet data in Hour Timesheet

1. Navigate to My Timesheet menu

2. Click the Calendar icon

3. Select the Date of the timesheet wanting to view.

Hour Timesheet View

Employee Role – Viewing Past Timesheet Data [Video Clip]

Correction Time Sheets

Once a time sheet is Processed, the only way to change the data on the time sheet is to create a Correction time sheet. Clicking the Create Correction link on the Review Timesheet page, a 2nd copy of the timesheet is created.  Once a correction exists, the employee and/or supervisor can make the required adjustments.  Correction time sheets must still be signed and approved.

Hour Timesheet Correction Timesheet

Employee Role – Submitting a Timesheet

Watch Video

Signing a Timesheet (Creating Electronic Timesheet Signatures)

1. Login to Hour Timesheet

2. Navigate to My Timesheet menu

3. Click Submit button

4. Click Submit again in the popup box

Employee Role – Submitting a Timesheet [Video Clip]

Upon submitting a timesheet, your manager will receive a notification that your timesheet is ready to be approved

Timesheets that have been exported to a company’s payroll file will be marked with the Processed status. Once Processed, no changes can be made to the timesheet. If changes are required, a correction timesheet must be created.

Approving Timesheet Data (as a supervisor)

To Approve an Employee Timesheet follow the step below:

1. Login to Hour Timesheet

2. Navigate to Review Timesheet menu

3. Click the Approve button to approve a timesheet for the period. This action will add a signature row to the timesheet along with a record in the audit trail. This action will also auto generate an email to the employee if notifications have been turned on in the Settings page.

Why Approve Timesheet Data?

1. Only timesheets that have been approved by a Supervisor or Admin will be exported to payroll.

2. Both Supervisors and Admins have access to approve timesheets.

3. Timesheets can be approved without an employees signature.

4. Employees can not change timesheet data after a supervisor or admin has approved the timesheet.